Saludos Ser Uno, estoy viendo el video de la charla on-line de marzo y la Sra. Franca Canonico explica que las almas traen lo mejor de lo mejor o lo peor de lo peor de sus padres… mi pregunta es: Si tuve un abuelo violento y un padre alcohólico
¿Cómo puedo sanar eso?
es decir, si traje lo peor de esas almas ¿Cómo puedo sanar todas esas memorias?...
Gracias… Anónimo
RESPUESTA: Estimado anónimo, gracias por su pregunta, trataremos de responderla lo mejor posible, ya que este tema es bastante complejo.
Usted se pregunta cómo hacer para transmutar lo negativo de sus ancestros…
Para comenzar, “Toda la carga energética-familiar” no se le podría atribuir a una sola alma o a un solo hijo de una familia, eso sería injusto para aquellos que realmente están trabajando la elevación energética de su alma.
Usted no tiene por qué cargar energías que no le corresponden ni hacer la limpieza total del alma-familiar donde nació, no es totalmente su responsabilidad, usted solo tendrá que trabajar y transmutar, lo que le corresponde a usted por el Legado-Energético y por el Bagaje-Energético-propio que usted trae de otras vidas.
Si la FÓRMULA - (Primer Activador), fue ensamblada incorrectamente, y la HERENCIA - (Segundo Activador), atrajo de sus padres y ancestros energías incorrectas-negativas y el alma de usted entró en ese nivel… es porque su tanto por ciento de energía-negativa-alma que usted no trabajó en otras vidas, las atrajo como un imán y esta energía se sumó a su alma en su vida presente.
Al principio de la charla hablamos sobre el primer Activador: LA FÓRMULA.
Esta fórmula es compuesta en el momento de la concepción.
Contiene un tanto por ciento de energías-positivas y un tanto por ciento de energías-negativas.
De esta manera se forma el cuerpo-material y el cuerpo astral.
La composición de la fórmula en el momento de la concepción, tanto en lo positivo como en lo negativo, es lo que le corresponde al alma en el momento de encarnar y esto se produce por afinidad, por la frecuencia-energía que el alma trae grabado en los electrones de otras vidas.
La composición de la fórmula en el momento de la concepción, tanto en lo positivo como en lo negativo, es lo que le corresponde al alma en el momento de encarnar y esto se produce por afinidad, por la frecuencia-energía que el alma trae grabado en los electrones de otras vidas.
Si su alma entró en esa concepción, es lo que le corresponde tener en esta vida presente y es la responsabilidad que el universo le dio, para que usted transmute lo negativo y sane la energía que usted trae consigo de su propia alma y del tanto por ciento negativo-familiar que le fue dado.
Como ve, es solo una parte del proceso, una cantidad X, un tanto por ciento de la “Carga-Familiar-Negativa” que a usted le ha tocado trabajar (Herencia).
Esta cantidad energética-negativa-familiar está repartida en toda su familia, entre hermanos, tíos, sobrinos, nietos etc.
Esta cantidad energética-negativa-familiar está repartida en toda su familia, entre hermanos, tíos, sobrinos, nietos etc.
Esto es lo que llamamos: KARMA FAMILIAR.
Así como a usted le ha tocado trabajar ese tanto por ciento, así también a todos los miembros de su familia, les toca a cada uno de ellos la propia responsabilidad kármica de sanar y trabajar lo que le corresponde a cada uno, o sea la Fórmula que le fue dada en el momento de su concepción.
Este es el motivo de ver a varios hermanos, tan diferente uno del otro…
¿Cómo sabemos lo que le corresponde a cada uno?...
Para saberlo es necesario que cada uno se mire en el espejo de su alma y descubra a través del auto-análisis cuáles son sus Cualidades y Fallas, debe observar a su familia y con ello sabrá lo que trabajó en otras vidas y lo que aún le falta trabajar.
Tendrá que confrontarse con verdades que duelen o que no quiere ver y sobre todo, percibir y saber la verdad de su alma.
Tendrá que confrontarse con verdades que duelen o que no quiere ver y sobre todo, percibir y saber la verdad de su alma.
El alma a veces cierra los ojos internos del entendimiento y piensa acomodadamente que el Amor y solo el Amor la salvará y que la llevará a entender y a transmutar a las energías-negativas-enfermas.
El Amor ayuda no lo vamos a negar, pero solo es parte del proceso, no es todo.
El alma debe ir al origen y saber la verdad de su existencia.
No puede dejar el trabajo a medias.
Las técnicas y métodos pueden ayudar, pero quien hará todo el trabajo de transmutación es la VOLUNTAD,
del alma que realmente quiera trascender...
No afecta si estas deficiencias son suyas (karma individual) o familiares (karma familiar).
Si las energías ancestrales y las energías del alma presente están unidas en una sola alma es por algo, nada sucede por acaso.
Si las energías ancestrales y las energías del alma presente están unidas en una sola alma es por algo, nada sucede por acaso.
La energía del alma no entra en una concepción, si esta no le corresponde por ritmo, vibración, frecuencia etc.
Si toda la familia tuviera este conocimiento, entonces cada uno de ellos trabajaría lo que le concierne, al hacerlo las próximas generaciones serían concebidas con la energía-alma más depurada y elevada.
Los Seres-Humanos traerían hijos al mundo con la FÓRMULA Y HERENCIA de energías especiales y crearían en sus concepciones la más alta expresión de AMOR, ya que de esta forma solo traerían a este planeta a: LOS ESPÍRITUS DE LUZ Y AMOR.
“Todo se atrae y se rechaza en el Universo”
… Camino del Ser.
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* * *The being oneYesterday at 6:55 am OPEN LETTER TO THE BEING ONE ...Greetings Being One, I am watching the video of the March on-line chat and Mrs. Franca Canonico explains that souls bring the best of the best or the worst of their parents' worst ... my question is: If I had a grandfather violent and an alcoholic father
How can I heal that?that is, if I brought the worst of those souls, how can I heal all those memories? ...Thanks anonimousANSWER:ANSWER: Dear anonymous, thank you for your question, we will try to answer it as best as possible, since this topic is quite complex.
You wonder how to transmute the negative of your ancestors ...
To begin with, "All the energy-family burden" could not be attributed to a single soul or to a single child of a family, that would be unfair to those who are really working on the energetic lift of their soul.
You do not have to load energies that do not correspond to you or do the total cleaning of the soul-family where you were born, it is not entirely your responsibility, you will only have to work and transmute, what corresponds to you for the Energy-Legacy and for the Energy-Own Baggage that you bring from other lives.
If the FORMULA - (First Activator), was assembled incorrectly, and the INHERITANCE - (Second Activator), attracted from its parents and ancestors wrong-negative energies and your soul entered that level ... it is because its so much percent of energy -negative-soul that you did not work in other lives, attracted them like a magnet and this energy was added to your soul in your present life.
At the beginning of the talk we talked about the first Activator: THE FORMULA.
This formula is composed at the moment of conception.
It contains a percentage of positive energies and a percentage of negative energies.
In this way the material body and the astral body are formed.The composition of the formula at the moment of conception, both positively and negatively, is what corresponds to the soul at the moment of incarnation and this is produced by affinity, by the frequency-energy that the soul brings engraved in the electrons of other lives.
If your soul entered into that conception, it is what you have to have in this present life and it is the responsibility that the universe gave you, so that you transmute the negative and heal the energy that you bring with your own soul and the negative-family cent that was given.
As you can see, it is only part of the process, an amount X, a percentage of the "Family-Negative Charge" that you have worked (inheritance).This energetic-negative-family quantity is distributed throughout his family, between brothers, uncles, nephews, grandchildren, etc.
This is what we call: FAMILY KARMA.
Just as you have worked that percentage, as well as all members of your family, it is up to each one of them to have their own karmic responsibility to heal and work what corresponds to each one, that is, the Formula that was given to him at the moment of his conception.
This is the reason to see several brothers, so different from each other ...How do we know what belongs to each one? ...To know it, it is necessary that each one look at himself in the mirror of his soul and discover through self-analysis what his Qualities and Faults are, he must observe his family and with that he will know what he worked in other lives and what still lack of workYou will have to confront truths that hurt or you do not want to see and above all, perceive and know the truth of your soul.
The soul sometimes closes the inner eyes of the understanding and thinks comfortably that Love and only Love will save it and that it will lead it to understand and to transmute to negative-diseased energies.
Love helps we will not deny it, but it is only part of the process, it is not everything.
The soul must go to the origin and know the truth of its existence.
You can not leave work half-baked.
The techniques and methods can help, but who will do all the work of transmutation is the WILL,FORCE,KNOWLEDGE,UNDERSTANDINGAND LOVEof the soul that really wants to transcend ...It does not affect whether these deficiencies are yours (individual karma) or family (family karma).If the ancestral energies and the energies of the present soul are united in a single soul is for something, nothing happens by chance.
The energy of the soul does not enter into a conception, if it does not correspond to rhythm, vibration, frequency, etc.
If the whole family had this knowledge, then each one of them would work what concerns him, in doing so the next generations would be conceived with the most refined and elevated soul-energy.
The Human Beings would bring children to the world with the FORMULA AND INHERITANCE of special energies and would create in their conceptions the highest expression of LOVE, since in this way they would only bring to this planeta: THE SPIRITS OF LIGHT AND LOVE. "Everything is attracted and rejected in the Universe" ...
Way of the Being.
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* * *The being oneYesterday at 6:55 am OPEN LETTER TO THE BEING ONE ...Greetings Being One, I am watching the video of the March on-line chat and Mrs. Franca Canonico explains that souls bring the best of the best or the worst of their parents' worst ... my question is: If I had a grandfather violent and an alcoholic father
How can I heal that?that is, if I brought the worst of those souls, how can I heal all those memories? ...Thanks anonimousANSWER:ANSWER: Dear anonymous, thank you for your question, we will try to answer it as best as possible, since this topic is quite complex.
You wonder how to transmute the negative of your ancestors ...
To begin with, "All the energy-family burden" could not be attributed to a single soul or to a single child of a family, that would be unfair to those who are really working on the energetic lift of their soul.
You do not have to load energies that do not correspond to you or do the total cleaning of the soul-family where you were born, it is not entirely your responsibility, you will only have to work and transmute, what corresponds to you for the Energy-Legacy and for the Energy-Own Baggage that you bring from other lives.
If the FORMULA - (First Activator), was assembled incorrectly, and the INHERITANCE - (Second Activator), attracted from its parents and ancestors wrong-negative energies and your soul entered that level ... it is because its so much percent of energy -negative-soul that you did not work in other lives, attracted them like a magnet and this energy was added to your soul in your present life.
At the beginning of the talk we talked about the first Activator: THE FORMULA.
This formula is composed at the moment of conception.
It contains a percentage of positive energies and a percentage of negative energies.
In this way the material body and the astral body are formed.The composition of the formula at the moment of conception, both positively and negatively, is what corresponds to the soul at the moment of incarnation and this is produced by affinity, by the frequency-energy that the soul brings engraved in the electrons of other lives.
If your soul entered into that conception, it is what you have to have in this present life and it is the responsibility that the universe gave you, so that you transmute the negative and heal the energy that you bring with your own soul and the negative-family cent that was given.
As you can see, it is only part of the process, an amount X, a percentage of the "Family-Negative Charge" that you have worked (inheritance).This energetic-negative-family quantity is distributed throughout his family, between brothers, uncles, nephews, grandchildren, etc.
This is what we call: FAMILY KARMA.
Just as you have worked that percentage, as well as all members of your family, it is up to each one of them to have their own karmic responsibility to heal and work what corresponds to each one, that is, the Formula that was given to him at the moment of his conception.
This is the reason to see several brothers, so different from each other ...How do we know what belongs to each one? ...To know it, it is necessary that each one look at himself in the mirror of his soul and discover through self-analysis what his Qualities and Faults are, he must observe his family and with that he will know what he worked in other lives and what still lack of workYou will have to confront truths that hurt or you do not want to see and above all, perceive and know the truth of your soul.
The soul sometimes closes the inner eyes of the understanding and thinks comfortably that Love and only Love will save it and that it will lead it to understand and to transmute to negative-diseased energies.
Love helps we will not deny it, but it is only part of the process, it is not everything.
The soul must go to the origin and know the truth of its existence.
You can not leave work half-baked.
The techniques and methods can help, but who will do all the work of transmutation is the WILL,FORCE,KNOWLEDGE,UNDERSTANDINGAND LOVEof the soul that really wants to transcend ...It does not affect whether these deficiencies are yours (individual karma) or family (family karma).If the ancestral energies and the energies of the present soul are united in a single soul is for something, nothing happens by chance.
The energy of the soul does not enter into a conception, if it does not correspond to rhythm, vibration, frequency, etc.
If the whole family had this knowledge, then each one of them would work what concerns him, in doing so the next generations would be conceived with the most refined and elevated soul-energy.
The Human Beings would bring children to the world with the FORMULA AND INHERITANCE of special energies and would create in their conceptions the highest expression of LOVE, since in this way they would only bring to this planeta: THE SPIRITS OF LIGHT AND LOVE. "Everything is attracted and rejected in the Universe" ...
Way of the Being.
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