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Awakening with Suzanne Lie
Monday, July 27, 2015
Dear Readers,
Because of the energy fields that we will soon be entering, I have decided to post my latest book, The Journal. This book is the story of our ordinary people change when they are given extraordinary information. I will post it bit-by-bit among my other posts.
I am writing this book with the instructions that I was to pull together ALL my channelings and put them in order. The story of Beverly, Lisa, and others as the book continues is the narrative that is pulling all this channeled information into a cohesive ONE.
I know that many of you also communicate with your higher expressions, so I invite you to do the same joining of many messages into ONE. It is the NOW to join the ONE, so we are being called on to pull all our individual “puzzle pieces” of information, experiences and people into ONE representative for fifth dimensional Earth.
Hope you enjoy this project, and keep checking for the next edition. I thank Debbie and Pamela in Australia for their editing.
~Lisa Finds the Journal~
~ LISA ~
“I have been trying to contact my Mother for two weeks,” said Lisa to herself as SHE slammed down the phone. She had repeatedly tried to contact her mother, and she had not answered her phone, her emails or her Skype.
“What is she up to now?” Lisa muttered to herself. “I guess I will have to go down there and find out for myself. That means I have to have another confrontation with my husband about my ‘weird’ mother.
“The kids are in school, so I will have to get someone to pick them up and watch them until my husband comes home. What a bother!!” Lisa continued her inner dialogue, or was she actually talking out loud?
“Why doesn’t she just communicate with me? I know we have not seen eye-to-eye for a while, but a little communication on her end would greatly help our relationship. That is if we even have a relationship,” Lisa said so loudly that she knew she was actually talking to herself.
What else was she to do? She certainly could not get in contact with her mother. Truth be told, she had not tried that hard to contact her until now. Her mother has been talking about so much weird stuff lately that Lisa found herself avoiding contacting her.
Then, when she finally did call, her mother did not answer. In fact, her mother was nowhere to be found. “My husband is going to be so upset about this,” Lisa said to herself. “He has really had it with my ‘crazy mother,’ as he likes to call her.”
Lisa tried for two more days to connect with her mother. Finally, she could wait no longer. She confronted her husband, got the babysitter, and left at 5:00 am for the journey to her mother’s house. She told her husband she would leave then to avoid traffic, but she really wanted to avoid another confrontation with her husband and the many questions from the children.
For the same reason she slept in the guestroom and told her husband is was so that she would not wake him up. Actually, she did not want to “sleep” with him. Sex had been a chore for ages now, and the more she disliked it, the more often he wanted it.
If Lisa could tell herself the truth, which she had been avoiding for a very long time, she was very unhappy in her marriage and needed to talk to her weird, but loving, mother. If Lisa could tell herself the truth, she would have to admit that her best friend was far too close with her husband.
Since she could not even admit that much, she could more easily look past all the obvious signs of her husband’s wandering eye. “No,” Lisa yelled, as she pushed aside the obvious evidence and chose to live the lie. However, four hours of driving alone in a car would make it very difficult to ignore herself.
By the time she arrived at her mother’s house, she was enraged, in tears and so relieved to be in a safe environment. However, it was an empty environment. The house was neat and clean as always, but the plants were gone, the cat was missing and the house felt empty of all life.
No mother, no copious plants, no cat, windows closed and all doors locked. The yard was a bit overgrown, but watered by the sprinklers. The refrigerator was filled with expired food and the bread in the pantry was covered with mold. Now, Lisa was getting worried.
She had spoken to her Mother so seldom lately, that she did not even know how to contact her mother’s friends. That is if she had any. Truth be told, Lisa was glad when her husband took the job up north and they had to move away. She did not understand her mother at all. Now her mother had disappeared, just when Lisa was finally ready to talk with her.
“How could she just disappear?” yelled Lisa after she had searched every area of the house and yard. The car was in the garage and her mother’s purse with her wallet inside was by her bed which showed no sign of recent occupancy. Perhaps there was a clue in her office, where she shut herself up for hours to meditate or write or whatever she did, thought Lisa as she walked to the back of the house.
Lisa had been embarrassed by her mother’s behavior as a teenager and never brought her friends over. Lisa was more like her father, who had left them because her mother was so odd. Now her mother was causing problems with Lisa’s marriage. Perhaps the answer is in her office, she thought as she went into that room.
When Lisa opened the door to enter the office, she felt a sudden chill. What was that saying, “Like someone had walked over a grave.” “Oh my God,” Lisa said out loud. “What if she is dead?”
Fortunately, there was no dead body and NO mother. The room was neat, much neater than Lisa had seen it in a long time. In fact, her mother’s desk, which was often a mess of papers, was totally clear except for a rather large three-ring folder filled almost to the breaking point.
As Lisa tentatively walked to the desk, she saw an envelope with her name on it taped to the top of the folder. She angrily pulled off the envelope, opened it and began to read her mother’s note.
My dear Lisa, I am so sorry that I was unable to tell you this in person, but there was too much to say and too little time in which to say it. Therefore, I have left this journal, which clearly describes what has been occurring in my life.
I wish that I could have shared it with you, but you have made it very clear that you do not want to hear about my ‘weird’ encounters with what you call ‘the unknown.’ I have tried to tell you that it was never unknown to me, but when I did you became angry.
I know that you have blamed my behavior for your father leaving us when you were only ten, but I did not want him to leave any more than you did. I also know that I was an embarrassment to you when you were a teenager. I am sorry that I was not the person that you needed me to be.
Mostly, I am sorry that I could never find a way to share my experiences with you that did not upset or anger you. I hope that you find this journal in which I recount everything that has been happening in my life in the order in which it occurred. Perhaps, when you read it within your own time, you can begin to understand why I have disappeared in this manner.
Please remember that I love you very much and hope that we can regain our relationship. Please do not run off to phone the police before you read this. After you have read this journal, we may even be able to communicate with each other.
I love you,
“What,” yelled Lisa. “Do you expect me to read this whole silly journal before I call the police to find out where you are?”
Lisa was so angry that she violently pushed the journal off the table, where it fell to the floor, opening the binder and spilling the pages all over the room. Lisa stood in horror. She finally found a clue as to her mother’s disappearance and she had just scattered it all over the floor. She was so upset that she fell into the nearby chair and sobbed.
Lisa cried the tears that she would not allow when she saw the look in her husband’s eye when her friend came over, or how her “friend” looked toward the ground. She cried the tears that she had pushed away during her four-hour drive here alone. Then, when she remembered the expression of relief she saw on her husband’s face when she said she needed to leave town, she became almost hysterical.
She needed her mother to talk to NOW. But was she there for her? NO! Again, she was absorbed in her own self and in her own weird whatever she was involved in. How could her mother leave this silly book instead of calling her and talking to her? But that question reminded Lisa that she had not taken a phone call from her mother for quite a while.
She had been “busy” and would call her back, but never did. Lisa told herself that it was because she was fed up with her mother’s ideas. But, the truth was that her mother could always read her mind, and she did not want her mother to tell her what she wasn’t ready to face.
During her four hours driving alone in the car she had “unconsciously” decided to talk to her mother about her marriage. She was even ready to ask for her help. “But NO,” Lisa yelled to the empty room, “I finally am ready to talk to her and Mom is involved in her own self – again!”
Lisa dramatically fell to the floor and sobbed. She cried because her marriage was over, her life was a mess, her mother was missing and she was totally alone. However, being alone was what she really craved. She needed to get out of denial and into the truth. That was the real reason she drove to her mothers.
However, her mother was not there, and had not been there for a while. Maybe she should have answered some of her mother’s phone calls, emails and letters. Maybe she should have just listened to herself, Lisa thought as the tears were spent and she sat on the floor and looked at the papers strewn all over the room.
It took Lisa an hour to collect all the pages, which fortunately were numbered, and put them back into the folder. By then she had calmed down. She went to the kitchen and happily found some coffee, sat down at the kitchen table, where she often did her homework as a child, and began to read the journal.
Part I
Mytria and Jaqual
~Beverly’s Secret~
I look around my room and see that it is filled with thought forms. This is my meditation room where I write, draw, meditate, and engage in my ongoing search for higher dimensional realities. I have uncovered quite a few higher dimensional lives, as well as some lower dimensional lives that were not very enjoyable.
However, my inner guidance told me to stay with them all, higher and lower until they told me their full story. You see I have been coming to this planet since Gaia asked for assistance during the fall of Atlantis. The darkness had overtaken Her planetary body and Earth was falling off its axis.
Therefore I, and many others, each forced (and I do mean forced) our expanded consciousness into one of the many dying ones at the time of the demise of Atlantis. We volunteered to do so because we had offered to bring our multidimensional light to assist Gaia. Earth did maintain its integrity, barely, but Gaia’s dimensional fall landed in the lower third dimension.
The third dimensional frequency of reality was so deeply polarized that for myriad incarnations most of us, including myself, became lost in the illusions of that lower dimensions of reality. Fortunately, it is the NOW for personal and planetary awakening.
The forces of darkness are quite aware of that fact and trying everything they can to scare us back into subservience. It is for this reason that I am writing this journal. I intend to publish it, or maybe just put it up on the Internet.
I am not sure what the future holds for me, which is why I must take a long look at what I have considered to be my past. You see Gaia is now expanding Her frequency into the higher dimensions from which She has fallen. She has waited as long as She can for humanity. Her elementals are ready, Her plants are ready and Her animals are ready.
However, the very thing that made humanity the most powerful species on the planet is the exact thing that is causing our demise. I wish that I could identify exactly what that “thing” is, but I cannot. Therefore, I am going to combine all that I have learned from as many incarnations and realities that my 3D brain can access.
Of course, I am no longer limited to my 3D brain, as many decades of meditation, prayer and believing my “imagination” have opened my awareness to perceptions beyond my physical reality. These perceptions have finally brought me to the first real peace I can remember, but they have also isolated me from almost everyone I know.
I hope that someday my daughter may read this journal, which is why I am leaving it on my desk in the office. If anyone cares enough to find out what happed to me, it would be her. The reality is, I am not even sure what happened to me. I know that I am jumping back and forth in time from starting the journal to ending the journal, but that is, indeed, my life.
Since I feel that I am at the ending, though I am not sure what is ending, I need to go back to the beginning, which has to be my childhood. There are myriad realities that surround us in every moment of our day. They can all be entered via the many floating thought forms of which I have spoken.
We have forgotten that our consciousness is the key to open the doorway into any reality that we choose. In fact, most of us forgot that there were myriad realities. As children, these inner realities were acceptable as they were “just our imagination.” But as we became adults, we had to push away those other realities because the physical reality we were living was overwhelming.
Besides, only “crazy” people could see and interact with other realities. Therefore, we forgot that we could choose our reality. We bought the lies we were fed by those who sought to control and possess rather than to love and create.
We tried to control our life so that “they” would not control us. However, control in any manner is a trap, as we cannot control and surrender at the same time. Control is the mechanism of the third dimension, whereas surrender opens the pathway into the higher worlds.
Therefore, by controlling our lives, we see only third dimensional options and solutions for our third dimensional situations. These options were not enough for me, but I am getting out of sequence again. I need to go back to the beginning, my childhood, and write this journal in some form of time-bound sequence, or no one will understand it.
“You are so right Mom,” cried Lisa. “Already I don’t understand you. And where the heck are you?” yelled Lisa not meaning to shout. “I drove four hours down here to talk to you in person and what I get is a journal. My kids are with their father, who can only take my absence for so long. Besides he will run out of all the food I left them.
“Where are you? I had a huge fight with my husband to come down her and had to go into my savings to get help for the kids. How could you be so selfish? I know we were close when I was young, being an only child and all. However, as soon as I stopped believing in all your weirdo stuff, we started growing apart.”
Lisa was very angry, but there was a bit of fear in her voice as well. Unconsciously recognizing the fear, Lisa went back to her reading in hopes of finding a clue about her mother. She took a few more sips of coffee and returned to her reading.
You might say that I was a very imaginative child. In fact, I lived in my imagination so much that sometimes I got confused about what world was the real world. That is when I saw the floating thoughtforms. I did not know that they were thoughtforms. To my childhood reality, these moments of communicating with another reality was more real than my daily life.
In my daily life I was just a normal kid who was not too smart, too pretty, too clever or too anything. But when unseen portals inside my mind suddenly, or slowly, opened I was no longer a child. I was a Native American riding across the planes on a pinto pony. I was a young boy crossing America in a covered wagon. I was a Priestess in a far off place called Atlantis, or a young man navigating a spaceship.
All these thoughtforms floated around me. All I needed to “do” to enter a thoughtform was to allow my thoughts and feelings to flow into that world by feeling the emotions of that “me” and thinking the thoughts of “that” me. Of course, as a child I did not know it was a thoughtform. In fact, I had no idea what “IT” was, but as a child I did not care.
In fact, it felt like if I told anyone about what I was experiencing that my secret portal would close and I would be “cast adrift on a hostile planet.” I know that statement sounds extreme, but it was exactly how I felt. If they ever talked about therapy at that time, I would have been there. That is, of course, if I ever told anyone about my secret life, which I never did.
Fortunately, there was this flowing, cloud presence that was always with me when I entered these worlds that told me not to tell anyone about what I was doing. The sparkling cloud being was too big to be a thoughtform and it felt different. This presence was not like the thoughtform that became a portal if I opened and entered it. I did not enter the floating cloud being, but it did enter me.
When the floating being entered me I felt so very wonderful, pure, honest, invincible and secure. But, it did not enter me very often. It usually just guided me and helped me to enter, what it called the “thoughtforms.” My cloud friend was the one who taught me that if I could believe and go into that thought form these thought forms they would become portals to other worlds.
All that “imagination” and floating friends was fine when I was a child, but when I was a teenager I began to change. I no longer wanted to play with my floating friend and enter the wonderful portals that it presented to me as thoughtforms. I was becoming a woman and needed a boyfriend to prove it. And so, my floating friend was put aside, like an old doll I had loved as a child.
I was too old for all that imagination stuff. So, I stopped attending to the floating thoughtforms and ignored my cloud friend. After all, they were only for children, and I was growing up. That is exactly when I became VERY depressed! That depression followed me for many years of my life.
I forgot about floating thoughtforms and, too often, I forgot about my cloud friend. I was becoming an adult and had to behave accordingly. But enough of becoming an adult; I have said I would begin with my childhood, and so I will.
Lisa closed the Journal in a state of mind that she could not identify. She wanted to be angry, but instead she felt sad. Yes, it was her Mother’s life that made her sad. Her life was fine, in fact it was happy. The only problem was that she had to come all the way down here to find out where her wacky mother was.
Well, maybe her mother wasn’t too wacky. Maybe she just thought that because she was so angry with her for not being there. In fact, for not being there too many times when she needed someone to talk to. But, with that thought Lisa began to realize that she had not talked to her mother in a long time.
“Too much thinking on an empty stomach and no sleep,” Lisa said to herself. She should call her husband and tell him that she got here safe, but she didn’t. She did not want to think about why she didn’t call him, but she did call her friend who the kids were staying with. Her husband was likely at work or somewhere Lisa lied to her self.
She pushed the journal aside and walked into the kitchen to find some food. She did NOT want to continue with that line of thought. She found some food in the freezer, which was OK and made more coffee. However, after she finally ate, even the coffee could not keep her awake.
Therefore, Lisa went over to the couch to just lie down for “just a few minutes.” She woke up hours later. “Wow, what a dream,” she said to herself when she awoke. Fortunately, she soon forgot it.
Lisa took a long bath in her mother’s huge tub then got dressed to go to a restaurant for a decent meal. She was about to step out the door when she went back into her mother’s office and got the journal. After all, it is cozy to read something while you eat at a restaurant.
Posted by Suzanne Lie at 10:58 AM 2 comments:
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Saturday, July 25, 2015
The Interpreter - The Arcturians &Coming Home Video
The Interpreters
The Arcturians
Dear Arcturians, in one of your last messages you stated that we, your volunteers who took an earth vessel for this NOW, are to be the “Interpreters.” Can you talk some more about that please?
Arcturian Response: “Yes, we are happy to explain. First, we ask that you go back to our messages beginning at the 1-2-15, and read through them or re-inform yourself of that information starting with Brainwaves and Consciousness .
We have been preparing all of you to recognize and read thought forms and energy fields. Gaia is creating/allowing Her transition into the fifth dimensional frequency in which there is NO time. In fact, your planet is moving through a major energy field towards the end of this September 2015.
The escalation and heightening of electromagnetic energy from the Sun and other cosmic energies will expand during August to reach their peak around September 23-24, 2015. We tell you to alleviate any “fear of the unknown.” The energy field of fear causes resistance, and makes you “push back” against the energy field.
On the other hand, the energy field of love, especially unconditional love, allows a flowing into and embracing of the energy field. Furthermore, if you expand your consciousness into your higher brainwaves of fifth-dimensional gamma waves, you will be able to consciously experience these energy fields and allow the embedded messages into your consciousness.
Remember that a thought form has myriad versions of the same information. Therefore, each “individual” can perceive the information from his/her own personal viewpoint. It is also very powerful if you have created a “group” of like-minded volunteers. In that manner, you can combine all your individual experiences into a collective experience.
Of course, since this energy field is largely fifth dimensional, you will need to be in your fifth-dimensional, Gamma Wave Consciousness to gain the clearest message. Also, you must release ALL fear of the unknown.
When your consciousness is fifth dimensional, you will be in alignment with these fifth dimensional energy fields. Then, you will be more able to “read” the inter-dimensional thought forms and energy packages embedded in this cosmic flow of higher light.
For as long as you can maintain a fifth dimensional state of consciousness, you will be able to perceive these higher frequency energy patterns and acknowledge that they contain a form of Light Language.
From your higher states of consciousness, not only can you perceive these energy packages, but you will do so before they leave the fifth dimension and drop into the “time” of your third and fourth dimensional reality.
Therefore, you will be able to contribute unconditional love, multidimensional light and Violet Fire, which will greatly assist Gaia to integrate these higher frequencies into her planetary form.
We need you, our galactic volunteers, to work with the consciousness of Gaia. Yes, Gaia does have a consciousness, and She IS a sentient being. Via your fifth-dimensional consciousness you will be able to commune with Gaia’s elementals of Ether, Earth, Air, Fire and Water.
Just as your body encompasses all your own elementals, Gaia’s body encompasses Her elementals. The elemental kingdom are members of the Devic kingdom and serve as holders of form. These elementals flow from human to planet and planet to human—as well as all life-forms.
Since these elementals resonate to frequencies beyond the third dimension, they can assist third dimension form to adapt to the higher light by surrendering into the oncoming energy fields with no third dimensional resistance.
As long as you can maintain a fifth-dimensional state of consciousness, you will be able to “receive” the Light language embedded in the higher dimensional energy wave and allow it to guide you through your personal and planetary transmutation.
Your greatest challenge will be to keep your third dimensional awareness “online” and connected to your fifth dimensional experiences. As long as your personal portal between your third, through the fourth and into the fifth dimensional states of consciousness remain open, you will be able to remember the fifth dimensional communications.
Fortunately, the higher energy wave will likely activate your 97% DNA. Russian biophysicist and molecular biologist Pjotr Garjajev and his colleagues, who were also doing junk DNA research, believed that the patterns of light in the vacuum caused by the DNA were actually magnetized wormholes. Somehow the DNA transformed the light into wormholes, which were still present after the DNA was removed.
These wormholes are the microscopic equivalents of the so-called Einstein-Rosen bridges theorized to exist in the vicinity of black holes (left by burnt-out stars)—tunnels through which light information can be transmitted outside space and time from different areas in the universe.
Poponin, Garjajev, and other Russian scientists think that our junk DNA attracts bits of light information and passes them on to our consciousness. This inter-dimensional passage of information is titled “hyper-communication.”
These scientists surmised that energy from outside of space and time flows through these wormholes, and that the wormholes were activated by the existence of the DNA. If it was the DNA that actually opened these wormholes, is it possible that our very DNA is capable of receiving the subatomic light particles that make up the matrix of the “super hologram”?
There may be a “chicken or egg” situation where the subatomic light matrix can activate DNA wormholes, whereas at the same time, it is the activated wormholes that can perceive and accept the holographic picture of the subatomic light particles.
Russian researchers have also joined with linguists and geneticists to explore junk DNA. They found that junk DNA follows the rules of our human language. According to them, our junk DNA serves as data storage and communication.
In exploring the vibrational behavior of DNA, Garjajev and his colleagues have found that living chromosomes function just like holographic computers. These researchers modulated certain high-frequency patterns onto a laser ray to influence the DNA frequency and thus the genetic information itself. Since our junk DNA and language share the same structure, no DNA decoding is necessary. One can simply use words and sentences of human language to influence the DNA.
Garjajev believes that junk DNA in living tissue will always react to language-modulated laser rays and even to radio waves - if the higher frequencies are used to project the message. Garjajev’s research explains why affirmations, hypnosis, and the like can have a strong effect on humans and their bodies. They have further stated that the higher the individual’s consciousness, the less need there is for any type of laser device.
The holographic and junk DNA research reveals that humans are basically receivers floating through a sea of frequencies of light interference patterns. We choose to perceive, and hence create, our reality from the myriad possible realities that the super hologram projects from beyond time and space for us to receive through our personal portals (the wormholes).
Once we receive this light information, we process it through our holographic brain so that we can project our picture of reality into the physical world to be contributed to the collective and planetary consciousness. In this manner, we are all ONE being receiving ONE message through many different portals.
Click here for more information
We tell you NOW, that you will NOT perceive the fifth dimension in the same manner as you perceive the third, or even the fourth dimensions. The closest example we can give you for fifth dimensional perceptions are they feel like they are “just your imagination.” Hence, to move into this next octave of your reality, you will need to finally realize that your imagination is indeed REAL.
The truth is that the third dimension is merely a holographic projection. Hence, your 3D reality is NOT real. You have believed that reality begins in the physical world, AND, there may be a possibility that your dreams can guide you—sometimes.
In reality, your fourth dimension dream life is the portal that connects your true, fifth dimensional SELF with the holographic projection sent from the fifth dimension, through the fourth and onto the 3D Matrix of the third dimension. Have you ever had a dream that you thought was “real” until you woke up?
You are NOW in the process of waking up to your true SELF. This true YOU, is actually your Lightbody SELF who lies latent in the base of your spine. This energy field has been called “The Sleeping Serpent.” Why serpent?
“Are you saying that we are all just illusions?” you may ask. “NO,“ we respond, “YOU, your fifth dimensional Lightbody SELF, is NOT an illusion. However, your great multidimensional light has been cast onto the 3D Matrix from your fifth dimensional expression.”
To make sure that you can make contact with your own light source, it is stored within the physical vessel that is attached to the 3D physical matrix of Earth. We tell you this because we do not want you to have fear about the flashing of your reality into the fifth dimension.
You have no need to be afraid because the fifth dimension is where the real YOU, the puppeteer, is guiding the physical you, the wooden puppet, through the story that YOU have created. What connects the puppeteer to the puppet is your fourth-dimensional, astral self.
Your fourth dimensional reality is the dream, fantasy and aspirational world through which the two-way information between 3D and 5D can flow. As you master your ability to regulate your own states of consciousness, you will be able to follow the flow of your:
Beta Wave, third dimensional consciousness into your
Alpha Wave, fourth dimensional consciousness into your,
Gamma Wave, fifth dimensional consciousness – and back again.
In other words, you will be able to ride the “river of life.” You know that when you ride a river, that the water at the top of the mountain is not separate from the water at the bottom of the mountain. Some of the molecules of water have evaporated, some water has been taken from the river or cast onto dry shores, but the water at the bottom of the mountain is ONE with the water at the top.
In the same manner, the higher frequency light from the higher dimensions is not separate from the light in your physical plane. This light may be diluted or hard to recognize, but if you use your fifth dimensional perceptions, you will be able to recognize the different frequencies that are within the light that constantly bathes your planet.
Just as you must choose a certain channel or frequency on your physical communication devices, you will remember how to choose your fifth dimensional channel within your own multidimensional brain.
Your physical brain appears to be just your physical reality. However, your higher dimensional expressions of self do not just resonate around you. They resonate within you first, as all creation begins within the core.
Therefore, if you calibrate your attention to the higher frequency pattern within your Third Eye and your High Heart, you will find the seeds of multidimensionality that have always been within you.
In the same way that you choose channel 3 on your TV for one show, channel 4 for a another show and channel 5 for yet another show, you will choose what you wish to perceive by regulating your state of consciousness.
Channel 4 allows you to see the “awake” show or the “sleeping” show. On the other hand, your channel 5 allows you to perceive everything on channels 3, 4, simultaneously within the same NOW. How can your 3D brain perceive three different channels all at once?
It cannot! Your 3D TV/brain would see different perceptions interfering with each other. Your 4D TV/brain would perceive pictures with wavering shadows that make it difficult to see clearly. On the other hand, your 5D TV brain would be able to perceive myriad pictures all intertwined and working as ONE co-operative system.
When you have more and more fifth dimensional communication you will likely find that these 5D communications are often accompanied by the feeling of your Kundalini force moving up and down within your spinal cord.
This feeling is very euphoric and gives you a strong, “YES, you are having a fifth dimensional experience.” This feeling is similar an invitation to communicate, such as a phone ringing or a doorbell chiming.
However, these messages are kinesthetic rather than auditory or visual. Your body is very helpful in giving you a strong kinesthetic “Yes” via Kundalini activation, or a loving emotion and/or a pleasant thought. On the other hand, your body will say “No” with a hollow feeling inside you that is accented with depression and/or anxiety.
When you remember how to maintain a fifth dimensional consciousness for more and more of your “time,” you will also remember how to read thought forms and energy fields with the innate, resonating patterns of your physical form.
The kinesthetic feelings we have spoken of above are common to everyone. There are also personal triggers, responses, emotions and kinesthetic reaction that were learned during your present incarnation.
You will find it helpful to recognize and document these reactions to life, as your body CANNOT lie. Just as your beloved dog or cat or bird cannot lie because they are incapable of deception in that human manner, your body will tell you the truth.
However, your body can only tell you the truth if you want the truth, and if you are willing to receive it. Your third dimensional society has taught you to lie to yourself and to lie to others so that you NOT get in TROUBLE.
We have experienced through our volunteers that the constant comings and goings between the differing 3D, 4D and 5D timelines can cause great confusion for one’s sequential 3D memory. For many of you, the return of your attention to the third dimension does not always occur within the natural sequence of that “time.”
In other words, you may have a “brief meditation” about a fifth dimensional message and find than an hour has passed when you return your focus back to your 3D endeavor. In fact, many of your inter-dimensional journeys are often not even noted by your physical perceptions. Therefore, you have the experience of lost “time” or “lost sequence of events.”
Obviously, when time is lost, the time-bound sequence of event would become very confusing. Lost time is when you think it has been just a few minutes to look up at the clock and see that an hour has passed.
On the other hand, lost sequence is when you find yourself in a different place and/or endeavor, but you cannot remember the “in-between” of where you thought you were and how you got where you are NOW.
In other words, you inter-dimensionally traveled beyond the 3D and came back into your earth vessel after your 3D self had moved your physical location. Once you re-connect with your 3D consciousness, ego self, you cannot remember where you were or how your body is now in a different location.
This dynamic is even more common with “lost time.” You look at the clock and see it is a certain time. Then you become involved in an endeavor that activates your fifth dimensional consciousness, which is beyond time. Then, you actually leave time. No third dimensional person will see this occur because 3D perception does not believe that that situation is true. Thus, if you cannot believe it, you cannot perceive it.
However, if you are aware, you will observe that something suddenly changed and you missed the transition between what it was before and what it became when you returned. Of course, since you did not know that you left, you did not know that you returned. That is, you do not know that with your third dimensional consciousness.
We are telling you this information because you are entering an area of space in which there are many higher frequency energy waves. Therefore, it is the NOW to fully activate your multidimensional consciousness. If you do not do so NOW, you will begin to doubt your self and doubt your perceptions.
Self-doubt is very dangerous in the changing world you are experiencing because it can initiate fear. Once you experience fear, your consciousness will lower. Then you will become completely confused, as you do not remember how or why your consciousness dropped out of feeling good and in to feeling afraid.
You will likely feel as though you just crash landed on the third dimension, but you may not be able to remember where you landed from, where you where going and/or what you did. In your past, meaning earlier years of your planetary transition, you were all confused and laughed it off.
It was mostly conjecture then, so that was fine. You were learning to fly and had some crash landings. However, it is the NOW of what you were then just pondering, or maybe, even planning for. Therefore, you could lose your focus without too many consequences.
However, NOW, the consequences can become extreme. Therefore, you must maintain a steady line of communication with your own higher expressions. As long as your human consciousness feels somewhat informed, you can stay above fear.
However, once you lose touch with your Higher SELF, you will become frightened and not remember why. Avoiding fear and living in the highest state of consciousness that you can is one of the most important things for you to remember within this NOW.
Therefore, dear scouts into your “brave new world” KNOW your SELF. What you do NOT know about your self is an opened door for fear to enter. When in doubt, when EVER you feel ANY fear remember to say,
“I Send Unconditional Love and Violet Fire!”
We, your Arcturian and Galactic Family, are here to help you. However, Gaia is a planet based on free will, so you must ASK for our help. However, we can ask you for help. We are sending many messages to our volunteers on Earth. We are looking for more “interpreters” through whom we can speak.
Please apply for the position within your own High Heart.
Your Galactic Family is with you.
You can see us with your fifth-dimensional consciousness.
Click here for more related information.
Most of all, please remember that
YOU are coming HOME
Join Lauren Galey and I as we explore Light Language and Human Chakras
Thursday, August 6, 11:00 am PDT
Friday, August 7, 11:00 am PDT
Saturday, August 8, 11:00 am PDT
Find Details HERE
See you there,
Posted by Suzanne Lie at 8:32 AM
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Those of you who have followed me for years, may be familiar with some of these stories, but I hope you can join me as we weave together the tapestry of their story.
~Meeting Mytria~
Lisa drove to restaurant she seldom went to, but knew it had nice tables with little cubbyhole areas. The last thing she wanted was to meet someone she knew. She ordered her meal and some tea, as she could not take any more coffee, and decided she would scan the Journal while she waited for her food. She opened the journal to the page after where she had left off the night before to find the next section, which was about finding Mytria.
I am happy to announce that my “cloud friend” finally did return. It was a long process, which I will recount in this journal. I am telling you of the long-awaited reconnection with my unseen friend, that I now know as “the Arcturian,” as it is only because of that ongoing support that I am able to write this journal.
I believe that it is important that I share my experiences with others now because our ever expanding consciousness manifests our thoughts and feelings almost instantly. Therefore, if we think we are having anxiety or an illness, then that is our reality. On the other hand, if we think we are having symptoms of awakening, then that is our reality.
There are, of course, times when we are sick or injured. Those times come when there are old emotions or memories that need to be purged. Therefore, we create a certain scenario in which we have to be still and center our attention on our SELF, so that we can complete this purge.
Since I have been feeling “sick” for quite a while now, I know it is the NOW to tell my story. Also, last night I had a dream in which I connected with a deep, deep fear from my childhood that it is time to release. Again, I hope I don't offend anyone by my admission, but it is my truth, and I vowed to speak only my truth here. Also, I know that I am not the only one who has had these experiences.
When I was a child my imagination took me into many of my alternate realities, often known as “past” lives. These adventures stopped as a teenager, but returned when I started working with my first spiritual teacher. For many years, my adventures were earthbound and included many different eras in which I was male or female.
As an adult, I began to have visitations/ imaginations off world and on other planets. First it was Venus. Then I began to hear from Mytria in the Pleiades. I know that I could have had an awakened experience of visiting a spaceship, but I still feel a submerged fear whenever I think of it.
Through my adventures on Venus and with Mytria, I came to realize that fear was because I was abducted as a child and teenager. I further remembered that my fear was actually implanted into me by the Zetas, who had abducted me. Then, they placed a small implant into my brain, so that I would be too afraid to tell anyone about my experience.
Of course, telling people was not a problem for me, as I couldn't even tell people about my dreams or psychic experiences. However, there is not a lot I can say about that experience, as I have still to recover most of the details.
My dream last night also told me that my wounded child needed my attention, and I had to heal her before I could go on to the next level of my awakening. In that dream, I felt the terror of my disconnection from my sleeping physical self and my desperation to return to my sleeping body. I woke up knowing that I had to address the issue of my wounded, abducted child/teen.
I will begin by sharing what little I remember about those experiences. I clearly remember being on the cold metal table with faces looking down at me. I remember sharp things, too many sharp things. I am well into my adulthood and I have never had any surgery at all, and I hate going to the dentist.
I also know exactly where my implant is, and I can feel a fear right now as I share this. The Arcturians told me this morning that the implant leaves an embedded message to never share what has happened. There is a bit more, but this is enough for now.
I was told this morning that the best way to heal my abducted child is to tell my story, just as I am about to share the other realities that I have experienced. I KNOW I want to visit the Arcturians on their ship in my fully conscious mind. Therefore, I am committed to completing this process of sharing my life with others.
I see writing this journal as a conscious action that shows that I AM ready to clear my old fears so that I can contribute my full love and light to this planetary awakening into truth! However, I do not know if anyone else will be able to begin to believe that the experiences I am about to recount could possibly be true.
Nevertheless, I will tell my story, if only to bring clarity into my own life. Perhaps, some of the people I love will be able to still accept and love me, but I fear that most of them will not. Hence, even though I write this journal, I may need to send it out under a false name. On the other hand, perhaps if they read what I have experienced in my life, they may learn to accept me more.
“Is that a challenge Mom?” Lisa muttered into her tea. However, with the bath and some good food, she was feeling better and had to actually admit how angry she had been at her mother. “What did she actually do to me, that is other than believe in different things than I did?” said Lisa continuing to soften. Lisa even ordered some desert, and continued her reading as she waited for it to arrive.
In about 1995 I began to receive inner messages from a female Pleiadian. I had heard about the Pleiadians somewhere, and since I had begun to remember my childhood abduction, I was looking for a kinder, gentler alien. The Pleiadians are tall, blond, and very attractive. They also look very human. Therefore, I asked my inner channels if I could speak to a Pleiadian, and I received the name “Mytria.”
Before I continue, perhaps I should explain about what I mean by my “inner channels.” I grew up going to church, and then was in a teen church group, so speaking to unseen higher beings was not an unusual event. In fact, when I was a child I often talked to my cloud being and called him Jesus. I continued those conversations into my teens—for a while.
When I was young, I called what I do to connect with other beings “praying.” When I became an adult and went to many spiritual teacher and meditation classes, I called it “meditating.” I knew that many people did not get the in-depth answers that I got, but maybe that was because they did not write down what they were experiencing.
Long story short, I now add the first dates and message I had with Mytria:
“Dear Mytria,
I have asked to speak with a Pleaidian and I received your name. I am opening myself to your reply, as I wish to speak with you. I hope that I have been able to clear myself enough so that I can have a clear reception of your message.”
I was very surprised to receive:
“Dear Beverly,
You have indeed been opening yourself to me and, in doing so, you can consciously receive messages from a higher dimensional being such as myself. I am from Alcoyne and I am one of the Guardians of The Sacred Fire. I speak to you now from the fifth dimension, although I could also communicate with you from higher dimensions. Since this is our first contact, I will take on my lowest vibration to make it easier for you to understand me.
“Even though I am the Guardian of the Sacred Flame, there is no need to guard The Flame from danger in our world, as no one here would damage anything. Beings on the fifth dimension know that any action affects them as much as those around them. You too are learning that lesson. Hence, I amend my statement to say it would be more correct to say that I assist those who wish to enter the Violet Fire.
“The Sacred Fire is a portal through which one can pass to travel to anywhere in the Multiverse. In our fifth dimensional Pleiadian world, we can step into and out of our body as easily as you would step out of your dress. You see, our bodies can be easily transmuted to a higher dimension by returning to pure spirit to travel into another dimension.
“Spiritual explorers will come to the Sacred Fire, and leave there bodies there while they travel in spirit. When they return from their travels, they project their essence into the Sacred Fire to return to their body. While their body is in the Sacred Flame they can safely travel via their consciousness to any place they desire.”
“I am one of the Pleiadian Priestesses who oversee that process. Therefore, I guess it would be better to say that I guard the body of the traveler rather than The Flame. However, our title is ‘Keeper of the Flame.’ You, my dear, have contacted me because I am open to communications with those from other dimensions, and because I know you.
“In fact, you might say that I am a higher frequency of the physical you. This is why you have always had such a strong urge to reach beyond your mundane world. Indeed, when you merge with the higher frequency expressions of yourself, you will be able to communicate with as many higher beings as you wish.
“Do you understand now how your entire life has been in preparation for that service?”
“Whoa Mom, I was starting to follow your book, but this is just over the top.” Lisa accidently said out loud, as she pushed the journal away, almost spilling her tea. Trying to think the words rather than say them, she thought, “No wonder Dad left you. If he even got a hint of this type of thinking he would have put you in the loony bin.”
This time Lisa did not even try to understand her mother. She was obviously delusional. She opened her purse to get the cash for dinner and left the table in a rush.
“Miss,” she heard behind her. “You left your book.” The young waitress smiled sweetly as she brought the book to Lisa, who tried to smile and muttered, “Thanks.” Lisa did not know what was worse, that she had to take the crazy book or that the waitress called her “miss.”
Lisa was starting to tear up again. Just when she thought she would maybe go to her mother for help with her life, she finds this journal with this psycho writing. Walking as fast as she could to the car, Lisa rummaged for the car keys and almost dropped the book in the mud while doing so.
She was very surprised that she chose to drop the keys rather than the journal. “Oh my God,” she thought. “I hope this stuff isn’t contagious.” She had to smile as she clicked the key to unlock the car, threw the stupid journal in the back seat, put on her seatbelt and drove back to her mother’s empty house.
Fortunately the electricity was still on, as it was dark by the time she got to the house. Lisa parked the car in the driveway and got out of the car. To her surprise, she opened the back door and retrieved the journal, as she muttered, “Well, there is nothing else to do here. Besides, maybe if I read this thing I might find out where she is.”
Lisa pushed aside the distant fear that her mother was dead or lost or had suffered some foul play. “Now I am being as silly as Mom,” Lisa said as she opened the front door, turned on the light and went to the bedroom to change her clothes. She knew that there would not be too much sleep. Just in case there was something besides silly stories, she knew that she had to read that Journal.
Once Lisa had put on some lights, the heater, and changed into her PJs, she got a glass of wine and sat on her favorite chair to read. This chair had been where she often did her homework before she went away to college. Her Mother had left it just the way it was, even though she had changed some of the other furniture.
“Does that mean she was waiting for me to visit?” she thought with more than a bit of guilt as she opened the book. She braced herself to hear more about the Pleiadian woman who was “Keepers of the Flame.”
Mytria began by saying, “The merging of your alternate selves begins by communicating with them.”
“I would rather ‘merge’ with my mother!” Lisa muttered as she took a sip of wine. Maybe she should get the bottle? She might need to be a bit drunk to understand this nonsense.
“Do you see Kepier with me now?” spoke Mytria. “Kepier and I are sisters in the Light. I have studied on Arcturus, where she is from and she has studied on Alycone. Dear Beverly, take a moment of your time to realize how it feels to be able to move from galaxy to galaxy with less effort that it takes for you to drive to the grocery store.”
Lisa rolled her eyes, but continued. That is, she continued after she took a long drink of wine.
“Kepier is appearing very female here even though she is androgens because the vibration of our planet is so feminine. When she is on Arcturus, she appears quite differently and looks like your Arcturian ‘cloud friend,” Mytria continued.
“I will now tell you some things about our life here in the Pleiades. We live very simply in large open central homes and smaller sleeping\meditation quarters. The time for sleeping is not like it is on Earth. Here we remain totally conscious, and what you would call sleep, we call meditation. Therefore, it is better if we are alone because we go deeply into our consciousness to expand our awareness and then integrate what we have learned into our daily lives.
“We also use our quarters for merging with our mates, if we have chosen to take one. Some here wish to live with their Divine Complements as man and woman, and others wish to integrate their two components and live as one androgynous being. It is purely a matter of choice on this dimension. On higher dimensions, the division of genders is unknown.
“We receive our children from The Flame as is done on Venus, but some still wish to have the experience of pregnancy and child birth. When I say ‘we’ receive our young from the Flame, I mean that ‘we’ as a male and female Divine Compliment couple, or ‘we’ as one androgynous being.
“Either way, we meditate and train for what would be years of your time to prepare for the great honor of being a parent. Only couples that are Divine Compliments parent together. When our teachers have told us that our vibration has reached a beautiful silver-violet shade, we go into The Flame with our Divine Complement (or as a unified androgynous being).
“When we are standing before the Violet Flame, we call into the higher dimensions to see if a Spirit wishes to take a life in our world. Once a Spirit has decided to choose the experience of incarnation into the fifth dimension of Pleiades, the parents and Spirit work together to begin the process of what you would call ‘birth.’
“Together the parents and child determine if it is best for them all to remain in the Flame until the Spirit is ready to take a life in their Pleiadian world, or for the Spirit to enter into the female and go through a pregnancy, much like on your Earth. Here, however, the male and female are equally involved in the pregnancy.
“The male must move up and down the Flame regularly so that the Spirit can pull enough of its essence into the fifth dimension to create and inhabit a form. On the other hand, the female must stay away from the Flame, as she is the grounding force for the new life.
“When the male returns from the Flame, holding the essence of the Spirit, he places it on the woman’s womb to offer the fetus the love of a mother. The man then embraces both the mother and child, as both parents send their child unconditional love and infinite peace. The three remain intertwined until the Spirit of the child can gradually adapt to our fifth dimensional reality.
“If this form of ‘pregnancy’ is not chosen, the couple, or the androgynous being must live near, and move in and out of the Flame, until the Spirit is ready to create itself a fifth dimensional form. Once the Spirit is an ‘infant’ he, she, or an androgynous self (children can be born androgynous here) will move with the parent, or unified parent, to the Central Living Room.
“The Central Living Room is the living area where our ‘greater family’ all live. The word we use for this room is difficult to hear in English. It sounds like ‘scrdala.’ The scrdala is comprised of members of the same Oversoul. On the seventh dimension, the Oversoul is one being. As new ‘children’ of our society move into the lower dimensions, the Oversoul guards over its fifth dimensional fragment while it makes its descent to the lower realms via the Violet Flame.
“Each of these fragments remain in constant contact with their sixth dimensional self in the Violet Flame until their new form can contain their great life force. The parents keep their ‘infant’ in constant connection with the mother, father, or both of them to assist their child in grounding his or her consciousness in the lower frequency.
“The members of the “greater family” of new parents, who are also temporarily living in the scrdala, work in unity to assist the new members of our Pleiadian reality to acclimate to their new life. This group is more than a family, as they function as ONE being of parental love who are welcoming new life into our world.
When each family leaves the scrdala, the choices of living situations differ with the frequency to which they resonate. A being who is able to be awake on many different vibrations at once, such as myself, will have very different situations on each plane. This is much like your situation.
“On the third dimension, you live a quiet, private life. On the fourth dimension, you live in Faerie with your beloved fairies and Nature creatures, and on the fifth dimension you are me! Yes, dear, you and I are ONE.
“We are different expressions of the same Oversoul, the same Being. Kepier is another expression of our being. IlliaEm is the eight dimensional expression of our Oversoul. And, Jaqual is an Antarian member of our Oversoul.
“There are also many other expressions of our Oversoul that you have not met yet, however, you soon will. It is this way for ALL the grounded ones on Earth. All of you have octaves of your SELF that are expressed in myriad times, worlds, and dimensions. Because you are incarnated on ascending Earth, your multidimensional consciousness has split into myriad expressions in preparation for your grounding into developing fifth dimensional planet.
On the sixth dimension, you are on Venus, where you are able to visit and communicate with your Pleiadian and Antarian expressions of SELF. Your Arcturian self resonates to the eight through tenth dimensions and can move between myriad locations because you are not in need of a planetary Home. Your sixth dimensional self travels often to Antares as well as to Arcturus, Sirius, or here in the Pleiades.
I can see your mental question about whether or not these different portions of your SELF ever meet? The answer is, of course! Are we not doing that now? However, each SELF is also a different reality. Much like the different realities you have experienced and remembered in your third dimensional self. In the physical world these portions of your self are separated by time and space. On the other dimensions, the different selves, or realities resonate to different vibrations.
“OK,” scoffed Lisa, “That is enough for me. Enough of this book and enough of this wine! I am not sure if I am more upset about the book or about the fact that Mom left me without saying a word.”
However, she did have to admit that there were quite a few calls from her mother that she had been too “busy” to return. But, she was not ready to take responsibility for anything yet. She could not even admit that she was so very happy to be away from the house, her husband and even the kids.
What was wrong with her lately? She felt kind of empty inside, as though she just did not have any more to give. So she came to her mother’s house to get something and she was gone! She slammed the empty wine glass onto the table, almost breaking it, allowed the journal to fall on the floor and went into her Mother’s guestroom to get some sleep.
She tried not to wonder why she remembered to pick up the journal and take it with her.
Lisa woke up at 10:00am. Oh what kind of Heaven was that? However, as soon as she sat up and felt her headache, Heaven was over. Even though she had a splitting head, she had a strange sense of peace and calm about her. Then, with a start, she realized that she had not called the kids, or her husband, or her friend who was helping with the kids.
She had been angry at her mother for not communicating with her, and she had done the same thing to her own children. “Like mother, like daughter,” she said as she reached for her phone, which was out of juice. Then she had to look through her luggage. “Oh please, please, I DID remember to bring the cord,” she said to herself.
Fortunately, the cord was found, the phone plugged in, and to her surprise, she did NOT call her husband first. NO, she called her friend first and found out that she was the saint she had always been and had fed all the kids, her own and Lisa’s, and taken them to school. Continuing with her saintly behavior, she did not even ask Lisa when she would be home.
Lisa was so happy that she did not have to lie to such a great friend. However, she could not tell her friend the truth because she did not know it. “Oh, yes Cindy, my mother has completely disappeared and I am reading her journal about her Pleiadian self. Nor could she tell Cindy that she was so happy to be alone for a while. There was something she had to figure out, that is besides the whereabouts of her missing mother.
Why hadn’t she phoned the police? How did she know that her mother was OK? The cat had a home, the electricity and sprinklers were on and the phones still worked. She could not have been gone too long, or all that would have been turned off. But, why didn’t her mother tell her where she was. Oh yes, the ignored phone calls.
After a long, hot shower and more coffee, she returned to Mytria. Of course, she would have to go to the store, call her mother’s friends, if she could find her Mom’s phonebook and, oh yes, call her husband. But he had not called her, so why did she need to call him? However, she did remember to NOT look at her missed phone calls. Her kids were fine, and Cindy was taking care of them.
After the shower and coffee, she was ready for the journal, which happened to be right next to her bed. With coffee in hand, she grabbed the journal and returned to her “high school homework chair” to see what else Mytria had to say.
Each reality, or life, is separate until you are able to become conscious of it, then it is a portion of the whole,” said Mytria. “Your perception of the "whole" increases as your consciousness expands.”
Furthermore, each component of your self can be individual within the unity of your Multidimensional SELF. We Pleiadians often wish to keep our ‘fragments’ individuated so that we can explore each reality with depth and intimacy.
I, Mytria, am able to raise my vibration to the seventh dimension where I can communicate with all the other aspects of my SELF. Each of us is individual as well as ONE. Of course, this scenario is only possible when our bodies resonate beyond time and space.”
“What?” questioned Lisa, not quite as snarly as she would have asked the day before? Something was bothering her. Yes, it was a dream. She could not remember the dream, but the feeling of it troubled her.
I wish now to answer your thought about why it took you so long to feel my presence,” continued Mytria. “Your connection to me was difficult to feel because it begins on the fifth dimension, and your consciousness can only expand to that frequency when you are calm and meditative.
Also if you were to communicate with me before this time, it would have been too confusing to you. Do you see how much difficulty you had even now with some of the concepts that I have presented to you?”
“Yes,” Lisa replied without noticing. This time her reply was not angry. Maybe that was because of her dream.
It is good that you are stretching your imagination and consciousness to embrace what will soon come into your world,” wrote Mytria. Most of all, the Goddess, Mother Earth, Gaia is awakening. She will soon hear the mating call of Her Divine Complement and will no longer tolerate any injustice to Her being.
Gaia will be a bride preparing for her wedding. She will make herself beautiful, and anyone who tries to stop Her will not enjoy the consequences. It will be a wonderful time. You, and others like you, will at last be happy to be born on Earth in a third dimensional form.
Then, because you all will learn to totally love life on the third dimension, you will be able to release that life. You will not need to release your form, of course, but you will release all of its limitations and separations. Your physical body will be like the car you drive on Earth, as it will hold your consciousness. Then, when you wish a new, improved ‘vehicle, for your consciousness, you will easily replace the old one. Only, you will NOT have to take out a loan. You will create, free and clear, the vehicle of your choice.
I look forward to many more communications with you, and I await your next visit to my world.
Lisa did not understand why she did not get angry like she did before. But, it was nice to not feel angry for a minute. In fact, when she was NOT angry, she began to understand how angry she had been.
No, the anger was not about her mother. It wasn’t even because of her husband. She was angry because something was missing, and she did not know what. She almost felt good, until her mother moved on to UFOs.
Posted by Suzanne Lie at 9:49 AM
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Monday, July 27, 2015

Dear Readers,
Because of the energy fields that we will soon be entering, I have decided to post my latest book, The Journal. This book is the story of our ordinary people change when they are given extraordinary information. I will post it bit-by-bit among my other posts.
I am writing this book with the instructions that I was to pull together ALL my channelings and put them in order. The story of Beverly, Lisa, and others as the book continues is the narrative that is pulling all this channeled information into a cohesive ONE.
I know that many of you also communicate with your higher expressions, so I invite you to do the same joining of many messages into ONE. It is the NOW to join the ONE, so we are being called on to pull all our individual “puzzle pieces” of information, experiences and people into ONE representative for fifth dimensional Earth.
Hope you enjoy this project, and keep checking for the next edition. I thank Debbie and Pamela in Australia for their editing.
~Lisa Finds the Journal~
~ LISA ~
“I have been trying to contact my Mother for two weeks,” said Lisa to herself as SHE slammed down the phone. She had repeatedly tried to contact her mother, and she had not answered her phone, her emails or her Skype.
“What is she up to now?” Lisa muttered to herself. “I guess I will have to go down there and find out for myself. That means I have to have another confrontation with my husband about my ‘weird’ mother.
“The kids are in school, so I will have to get someone to pick them up and watch them until my husband comes home. What a bother!!” Lisa continued her inner dialogue, or was she actually talking out loud?
“Why doesn’t she just communicate with me? I know we have not seen eye-to-eye for a while, but a little communication on her end would greatly help our relationship. That is if we even have a relationship,” Lisa said so loudly that she knew she was actually talking to herself.
What else was she to do? She certainly could not get in contact with her mother. Truth be told, she had not tried that hard to contact her until now. Her mother has been talking about so much weird stuff lately that Lisa found herself avoiding contacting her.
Then, when she finally did call, her mother did not answer. In fact, her mother was nowhere to be found. “My husband is going to be so upset about this,” Lisa said to herself. “He has really had it with my ‘crazy mother,’ as he likes to call her.”
Lisa tried for two more days to connect with her mother. Finally, she could wait no longer. She confronted her husband, got the babysitter, and left at 5:00 am for the journey to her mother’s house. She told her husband she would leave then to avoid traffic, but she really wanted to avoid another confrontation with her husband and the many questions from the children.
For the same reason she slept in the guestroom and told her husband is was so that she would not wake him up. Actually, she did not want to “sleep” with him. Sex had been a chore for ages now, and the more she disliked it, the more often he wanted it.
If Lisa could tell herself the truth, which she had been avoiding for a very long time, she was very unhappy in her marriage and needed to talk to her weird, but loving, mother. If Lisa could tell herself the truth, she would have to admit that her best friend was far too close with her husband.
Since she could not even admit that much, she could more easily look past all the obvious signs of her husband’s wandering eye. “No,” Lisa yelled, as she pushed aside the obvious evidence and chose to live the lie. However, four hours of driving alone in a car would make it very difficult to ignore herself.
By the time she arrived at her mother’s house, she was enraged, in tears and so relieved to be in a safe environment. However, it was an empty environment. The house was neat and clean as always, but the plants were gone, the cat was missing and the house felt empty of all life.
No mother, no copious plants, no cat, windows closed and all doors locked. The yard was a bit overgrown, but watered by the sprinklers. The refrigerator was filled with expired food and the bread in the pantry was covered with mold. Now, Lisa was getting worried.
She had spoken to her Mother so seldom lately, that she did not even know how to contact her mother’s friends. That is if she had any. Truth be told, Lisa was glad when her husband took the job up north and they had to move away. She did not understand her mother at all. Now her mother had disappeared, just when Lisa was finally ready to talk with her.
“How could she just disappear?” yelled Lisa after she had searched every area of the house and yard. The car was in the garage and her mother’s purse with her wallet inside was by her bed which showed no sign of recent occupancy. Perhaps there was a clue in her office, where she shut herself up for hours to meditate or write or whatever she did, thought Lisa as she walked to the back of the house.
Lisa had been embarrassed by her mother’s behavior as a teenager and never brought her friends over. Lisa was more like her father, who had left them because her mother was so odd. Now her mother was causing problems with Lisa’s marriage. Perhaps the answer is in her office, she thought as she went into that room.
When Lisa opened the door to enter the office, she felt a sudden chill. What was that saying, “Like someone had walked over a grave.” “Oh my God,” Lisa said out loud. “What if she is dead?”
Fortunately, there was no dead body and NO mother. The room was neat, much neater than Lisa had seen it in a long time. In fact, her mother’s desk, which was often a mess of papers, was totally clear except for a rather large three-ring folder filled almost to the breaking point.
As Lisa tentatively walked to the desk, she saw an envelope with her name on it taped to the top of the folder. She angrily pulled off the envelope, opened it and began to read her mother’s note.
My dear Lisa, I am so sorry that I was unable to tell you this in person, but there was too much to say and too little time in which to say it. Therefore, I have left this journal, which clearly describes what has been occurring in my life.
I wish that I could have shared it with you, but you have made it very clear that you do not want to hear about my ‘weird’ encounters with what you call ‘the unknown.’ I have tried to tell you that it was never unknown to me, but when I did you became angry.
I know that you have blamed my behavior for your father leaving us when you were only ten, but I did not want him to leave any more than you did. I also know that I was an embarrassment to you when you were a teenager. I am sorry that I was not the person that you needed me to be.
Mostly, I am sorry that I could never find a way to share my experiences with you that did not upset or anger you. I hope that you find this journal in which I recount everything that has been happening in my life in the order in which it occurred. Perhaps, when you read it within your own time, you can begin to understand why I have disappeared in this manner.
Please remember that I love you very much and hope that we can regain our relationship. Please do not run off to phone the police before you read this. After you have read this journal, we may even be able to communicate with each other.
I love you,
“What,” yelled Lisa. “Do you expect me to read this whole silly journal before I call the police to find out where you are?”
Lisa was so angry that she violently pushed the journal off the table, where it fell to the floor, opening the binder and spilling the pages all over the room. Lisa stood in horror. She finally found a clue as to her mother’s disappearance and she had just scattered it all over the floor. She was so upset that she fell into the nearby chair and sobbed.
Lisa cried the tears that she would not allow when she saw the look in her husband’s eye when her friend came over, or how her “friend” looked toward the ground. She cried the tears that she had pushed away during her four-hour drive here alone. Then, when she remembered the expression of relief she saw on her husband’s face when she said she needed to leave town, she became almost hysterical.
She needed her mother to talk to NOW. But was she there for her? NO! Again, she was absorbed in her own self and in her own weird whatever she was involved in. How could her mother leave this silly book instead of calling her and talking to her? But that question reminded Lisa that she had not taken a phone call from her mother for quite a while.
She had been “busy” and would call her back, but never did. Lisa told herself that it was because she was fed up with her mother’s ideas. But, the truth was that her mother could always read her mind, and she did not want her mother to tell her what she wasn’t ready to face.
During her four hours driving alone in the car she had “unconsciously” decided to talk to her mother about her marriage. She was even ready to ask for her help. “But NO,” Lisa yelled to the empty room, “I finally am ready to talk to her and Mom is involved in her own self – again!”
Lisa dramatically fell to the floor and sobbed. She cried because her marriage was over, her life was a mess, her mother was missing and she was totally alone. However, being alone was what she really craved. She needed to get out of denial and into the truth. That was the real reason she drove to her mothers.
However, her mother was not there, and had not been there for a while. Maybe she should have answered some of her mother’s phone calls, emails and letters. Maybe she should have just listened to herself, Lisa thought as the tears were spent and she sat on the floor and looked at the papers strewn all over the room.
It took Lisa an hour to collect all the pages, which fortunately were numbered, and put them back into the folder. By then she had calmed down. She went to the kitchen and happily found some coffee, sat down at the kitchen table, where she often did her homework as a child, and began to read the journal.
Part I
Mytria and Jaqual
~Beverly’s Secret~
I look around my room and see that it is filled with thought forms. This is my meditation room where I write, draw, meditate, and engage in my ongoing search for higher dimensional realities. I have uncovered quite a few higher dimensional lives, as well as some lower dimensional lives that were not very enjoyable.
However, my inner guidance told me to stay with them all, higher and lower until they told me their full story. You see I have been coming to this planet since Gaia asked for assistance during the fall of Atlantis. The darkness had overtaken Her planetary body and Earth was falling off its axis.
Therefore I, and many others, each forced (and I do mean forced) our expanded consciousness into one of the many dying ones at the time of the demise of Atlantis. We volunteered to do so because we had offered to bring our multidimensional light to assist Gaia. Earth did maintain its integrity, barely, but Gaia’s dimensional fall landed in the lower third dimension.
The third dimensional frequency of reality was so deeply polarized that for myriad incarnations most of us, including myself, became lost in the illusions of that lower dimensions of reality. Fortunately, it is the NOW for personal and planetary awakening.
The forces of darkness are quite aware of that fact and trying everything they can to scare us back into subservience. It is for this reason that I am writing this journal. I intend to publish it, or maybe just put it up on the Internet.
I am not sure what the future holds for me, which is why I must take a long look at what I have considered to be my past. You see Gaia is now expanding Her frequency into the higher dimensions from which She has fallen. She has waited as long as She can for humanity. Her elementals are ready, Her plants are ready and Her animals are ready.
However, the very thing that made humanity the most powerful species on the planet is the exact thing that is causing our demise. I wish that I could identify exactly what that “thing” is, but I cannot. Therefore, I am going to combine all that I have learned from as many incarnations and realities that my 3D brain can access.
Of course, I am no longer limited to my 3D brain, as many decades of meditation, prayer and believing my “imagination” have opened my awareness to perceptions beyond my physical reality. These perceptions have finally brought me to the first real peace I can remember, but they have also isolated me from almost everyone I know.
I hope that someday my daughter may read this journal, which is why I am leaving it on my desk in the office. If anyone cares enough to find out what happed to me, it would be her. The reality is, I am not even sure what happened to me. I know that I am jumping back and forth in time from starting the journal to ending the journal, but that is, indeed, my life.
Since I feel that I am at the ending, though I am not sure what is ending, I need to go back to the beginning, which has to be my childhood. There are myriad realities that surround us in every moment of our day. They can all be entered via the many floating thought forms of which I have spoken.
We have forgotten that our consciousness is the key to open the doorway into any reality that we choose. In fact, most of us forgot that there were myriad realities. As children, these inner realities were acceptable as they were “just our imagination.” But as we became adults, we had to push away those other realities because the physical reality we were living was overwhelming.
Besides, only “crazy” people could see and interact with other realities. Therefore, we forgot that we could choose our reality. We bought the lies we were fed by those who sought to control and possess rather than to love and create.
We tried to control our life so that “they” would not control us. However, control in any manner is a trap, as we cannot control and surrender at the same time. Control is the mechanism of the third dimension, whereas surrender opens the pathway into the higher worlds.
Therefore, by controlling our lives, we see only third dimensional options and solutions for our third dimensional situations. These options were not enough for me, but I am getting out of sequence again. I need to go back to the beginning, my childhood, and write this journal in some form of time-bound sequence, or no one will understand it.
“You are so right Mom,” cried Lisa. “Already I don’t understand you. And where the heck are you?” yelled Lisa not meaning to shout. “I drove four hours down here to talk to you in person and what I get is a journal. My kids are with their father, who can only take my absence for so long. Besides he will run out of all the food I left them.
“Where are you? I had a huge fight with my husband to come down her and had to go into my savings to get help for the kids. How could you be so selfish? I know we were close when I was young, being an only child and all. However, as soon as I stopped believing in all your weirdo stuff, we started growing apart.”
Lisa was very angry, but there was a bit of fear in her voice as well. Unconsciously recognizing the fear, Lisa went back to her reading in hopes of finding a clue about her mother. She took a few more sips of coffee and returned to her reading.
You might say that I was a very imaginative child. In fact, I lived in my imagination so much that sometimes I got confused about what world was the real world. That is when I saw the floating thoughtforms. I did not know that they were thoughtforms. To my childhood reality, these moments of communicating with another reality was more real than my daily life.
In my daily life I was just a normal kid who was not too smart, too pretty, too clever or too anything. But when unseen portals inside my mind suddenly, or slowly, opened I was no longer a child. I was a Native American riding across the planes on a pinto pony. I was a young boy crossing America in a covered wagon. I was a Priestess in a far off place called Atlantis, or a young man navigating a spaceship.
All these thoughtforms floated around me. All I needed to “do” to enter a thoughtform was to allow my thoughts and feelings to flow into that world by feeling the emotions of that “me” and thinking the thoughts of “that” me. Of course, as a child I did not know it was a thoughtform. In fact, I had no idea what “IT” was, but as a child I did not care.
In fact, it felt like if I told anyone about what I was experiencing that my secret portal would close and I would be “cast adrift on a hostile planet.” I know that statement sounds extreme, but it was exactly how I felt. If they ever talked about therapy at that time, I would have been there. That is, of course, if I ever told anyone about my secret life, which I never did.
Fortunately, there was this flowing, cloud presence that was always with me when I entered these worlds that told me not to tell anyone about what I was doing. The sparkling cloud being was too big to be a thoughtform and it felt different. This presence was not like the thoughtform that became a portal if I opened and entered it. I did not enter the floating cloud being, but it did enter me.
When the floating being entered me I felt so very wonderful, pure, honest, invincible and secure. But, it did not enter me very often. It usually just guided me and helped me to enter, what it called the “thoughtforms.” My cloud friend was the one who taught me that if I could believe and go into that thought form these thought forms they would become portals to other worlds.
All that “imagination” and floating friends was fine when I was a child, but when I was a teenager I began to change. I no longer wanted to play with my floating friend and enter the wonderful portals that it presented to me as thoughtforms. I was becoming a woman and needed a boyfriend to prove it. And so, my floating friend was put aside, like an old doll I had loved as a child.
I was too old for all that imagination stuff. So, I stopped attending to the floating thoughtforms and ignored my cloud friend. After all, they were only for children, and I was growing up. That is exactly when I became VERY depressed! That depression followed me for many years of my life.
I forgot about floating thoughtforms and, too often, I forgot about my cloud friend. I was becoming an adult and had to behave accordingly. But enough of becoming an adult; I have said I would begin with my childhood, and so I will.
Lisa closed the Journal in a state of mind that she could not identify. She wanted to be angry, but instead she felt sad. Yes, it was her Mother’s life that made her sad. Her life was fine, in fact it was happy. The only problem was that she had to come all the way down here to find out where her wacky mother was.
Well, maybe her mother wasn’t too wacky. Maybe she just thought that because she was so angry with her for not being there. In fact, for not being there too many times when she needed someone to talk to. But, with that thought Lisa began to realize that she had not talked to her mother in a long time.
“Too much thinking on an empty stomach and no sleep,” Lisa said to herself. She should call her husband and tell him that she got here safe, but she didn’t. She did not want to think about why she didn’t call him, but she did call her friend who the kids were staying with. Her husband was likely at work or somewhere Lisa lied to her self.
She pushed the journal aside and walked into the kitchen to find some food. She did NOT want to continue with that line of thought. She found some food in the freezer, which was OK and made more coffee. However, after she finally ate, even the coffee could not keep her awake.
Therefore, Lisa went over to the couch to just lie down for “just a few minutes.” She woke up hours later. “Wow, what a dream,” she said to herself when she awoke. Fortunately, she soon forgot it.
Lisa took a long bath in her mother’s huge tub then got dressed to go to a restaurant for a decent meal. She was about to step out the door when she went back into her mother’s office and got the journal. After all, it is cozy to read something while you eat at a restaurant.
Posted by Suzanne Lie at 10:58 AM 2 comments:
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Saturday, July 25, 2015
The Interpreter - The Arcturians &Coming Home Video
The Interpreters

The Arcturians
Dear Arcturians, in one of your last messages you stated that we, your volunteers who took an earth vessel for this NOW, are to be the “Interpreters.” Can you talk some more about that please?
Arcturian Response: “Yes, we are happy to explain. First, we ask that you go back to our messages beginning at the 1-2-15, and read through them or re-inform yourself of that information starting with Brainwaves and Consciousness .
We have been preparing all of you to recognize and read thought forms and energy fields. Gaia is creating/allowing Her transition into the fifth dimensional frequency in which there is NO time. In fact, your planet is moving through a major energy field towards the end of this September 2015.
The escalation and heightening of electromagnetic energy from the Sun and other cosmic energies will expand during August to reach their peak around September 23-24, 2015. We tell you to alleviate any “fear of the unknown.” The energy field of fear causes resistance, and makes you “push back” against the energy field.
On the other hand, the energy field of love, especially unconditional love, allows a flowing into and embracing of the energy field. Furthermore, if you expand your consciousness into your higher brainwaves of fifth-dimensional gamma waves, you will be able to consciously experience these energy fields and allow the embedded messages into your consciousness.
Remember that a thought form has myriad versions of the same information. Therefore, each “individual” can perceive the information from his/her own personal viewpoint. It is also very powerful if you have created a “group” of like-minded volunteers. In that manner, you can combine all your individual experiences into a collective experience.
Of course, since this energy field is largely fifth dimensional, you will need to be in your fifth-dimensional, Gamma Wave Consciousness to gain the clearest message. Also, you must release ALL fear of the unknown.
When your consciousness is fifth dimensional, you will be in alignment with these fifth dimensional energy fields. Then, you will be more able to “read” the inter-dimensional thought forms and energy packages embedded in this cosmic flow of higher light.
For as long as you can maintain a fifth dimensional state of consciousness, you will be able to perceive these higher frequency energy patterns and acknowledge that they contain a form of Light Language.
From your higher states of consciousness, not only can you perceive these energy packages, but you will do so before they leave the fifth dimension and drop into the “time” of your third and fourth dimensional reality.
Therefore, you will be able to contribute unconditional love, multidimensional light and Violet Fire, which will greatly assist Gaia to integrate these higher frequencies into her planetary form.
We need you, our galactic volunteers, to work with the consciousness of Gaia. Yes, Gaia does have a consciousness, and She IS a sentient being. Via your fifth-dimensional consciousness you will be able to commune with Gaia’s elementals of Ether, Earth, Air, Fire and Water.
Just as your body encompasses all your own elementals, Gaia’s body encompasses Her elementals. The elemental kingdom are members of the Devic kingdom and serve as holders of form. These elementals flow from human to planet and planet to human—as well as all life-forms.
Since these elementals resonate to frequencies beyond the third dimension, they can assist third dimension form to adapt to the higher light by surrendering into the oncoming energy fields with no third dimensional resistance.
As long as you can maintain a fifth-dimensional state of consciousness, you will be able to “receive” the Light language embedded in the higher dimensional energy wave and allow it to guide you through your personal and planetary transmutation.
Your greatest challenge will be to keep your third dimensional awareness “online” and connected to your fifth dimensional experiences. As long as your personal portal between your third, through the fourth and into the fifth dimensional states of consciousness remain open, you will be able to remember the fifth dimensional communications.
Fortunately, the higher energy wave will likely activate your 97% DNA. Russian biophysicist and molecular biologist Pjotr Garjajev and his colleagues, who were also doing junk DNA research, believed that the patterns of light in the vacuum caused by the DNA were actually magnetized wormholes. Somehow the DNA transformed the light into wormholes, which were still present after the DNA was removed.
These wormholes are the microscopic equivalents of the so-called Einstein-Rosen bridges theorized to exist in the vicinity of black holes (left by burnt-out stars)—tunnels through which light information can be transmitted outside space and time from different areas in the universe.
Poponin, Garjajev, and other Russian scientists think that our junk DNA attracts bits of light information and passes them on to our consciousness. This inter-dimensional passage of information is titled “hyper-communication.”
These scientists surmised that energy from outside of space and time flows through these wormholes, and that the wormholes were activated by the existence of the DNA. If it was the DNA that actually opened these wormholes, is it possible that our very DNA is capable of receiving the subatomic light particles that make up the matrix of the “super hologram”?
There may be a “chicken or egg” situation where the subatomic light matrix can activate DNA wormholes, whereas at the same time, it is the activated wormholes that can perceive and accept the holographic picture of the subatomic light particles.
Russian researchers have also joined with linguists and geneticists to explore junk DNA. They found that junk DNA follows the rules of our human language. According to them, our junk DNA serves as data storage and communication.
In exploring the vibrational behavior of DNA, Garjajev and his colleagues have found that living chromosomes function just like holographic computers. These researchers modulated certain high-frequency patterns onto a laser ray to influence the DNA frequency and thus the genetic information itself. Since our junk DNA and language share the same structure, no DNA decoding is necessary. One can simply use words and sentences of human language to influence the DNA.
Garjajev believes that junk DNA in living tissue will always react to language-modulated laser rays and even to radio waves - if the higher frequencies are used to project the message. Garjajev’s research explains why affirmations, hypnosis, and the like can have a strong effect on humans and their bodies. They have further stated that the higher the individual’s consciousness, the less need there is for any type of laser device.
The holographic and junk DNA research reveals that humans are basically receivers floating through a sea of frequencies of light interference patterns. We choose to perceive, and hence create, our reality from the myriad possible realities that the super hologram projects from beyond time and space for us to receive through our personal portals (the wormholes).
Once we receive this light information, we process it through our holographic brain so that we can project our picture of reality into the physical world to be contributed to the collective and planetary consciousness. In this manner, we are all ONE being receiving ONE message through many different portals.
Click here for more information
We tell you NOW, that you will NOT perceive the fifth dimension in the same manner as you perceive the third, or even the fourth dimensions. The closest example we can give you for fifth dimensional perceptions are they feel like they are “just your imagination.” Hence, to move into this next octave of your reality, you will need to finally realize that your imagination is indeed REAL.
The truth is that the third dimension is merely a holographic projection. Hence, your 3D reality is NOT real. You have believed that reality begins in the physical world, AND, there may be a possibility that your dreams can guide you—sometimes.
In reality, your fourth dimension dream life is the portal that connects your true, fifth dimensional SELF with the holographic projection sent from the fifth dimension, through the fourth and onto the 3D Matrix of the third dimension. Have you ever had a dream that you thought was “real” until you woke up?
You are NOW in the process of waking up to your true SELF. This true YOU, is actually your Lightbody SELF who lies latent in the base of your spine. This energy field has been called “The Sleeping Serpent.” Why serpent?
“Are you saying that we are all just illusions?” you may ask. “NO,“ we respond, “YOU, your fifth dimensional Lightbody SELF, is NOT an illusion. However, your great multidimensional light has been cast onto the 3D Matrix from your fifth dimensional expression.”
To make sure that you can make contact with your own light source, it is stored within the physical vessel that is attached to the 3D physical matrix of Earth. We tell you this because we do not want you to have fear about the flashing of your reality into the fifth dimension.
You have no need to be afraid because the fifth dimension is where the real YOU, the puppeteer, is guiding the physical you, the wooden puppet, through the story that YOU have created. What connects the puppeteer to the puppet is your fourth-dimensional, astral self.
Your fourth dimensional reality is the dream, fantasy and aspirational world through which the two-way information between 3D and 5D can flow. As you master your ability to regulate your own states of consciousness, you will be able to follow the flow of your:
Beta Wave, third dimensional consciousness into your
Alpha Wave, fourth dimensional consciousness into your,
Gamma Wave, fifth dimensional consciousness – and back again.
In other words, you will be able to ride the “river of life.” You know that when you ride a river, that the water at the top of the mountain is not separate from the water at the bottom of the mountain. Some of the molecules of water have evaporated, some water has been taken from the river or cast onto dry shores, but the water at the bottom of the mountain is ONE with the water at the top.
In the same manner, the higher frequency light from the higher dimensions is not separate from the light in your physical plane. This light may be diluted or hard to recognize, but if you use your fifth dimensional perceptions, you will be able to recognize the different frequencies that are within the light that constantly bathes your planet.
Just as you must choose a certain channel or frequency on your physical communication devices, you will remember how to choose your fifth dimensional channel within your own multidimensional brain.
Your physical brain appears to be just your physical reality. However, your higher dimensional expressions of self do not just resonate around you. They resonate within you first, as all creation begins within the core.
Therefore, if you calibrate your attention to the higher frequency pattern within your Third Eye and your High Heart, you will find the seeds of multidimensionality that have always been within you.
In the same way that you choose channel 3 on your TV for one show, channel 4 for a another show and channel 5 for yet another show, you will choose what you wish to perceive by regulating your state of consciousness.
Channel 4 allows you to see the “awake” show or the “sleeping” show. On the other hand, your channel 5 allows you to perceive everything on channels 3, 4, simultaneously within the same NOW. How can your 3D brain perceive three different channels all at once?
It cannot! Your 3D TV/brain would see different perceptions interfering with each other. Your 4D TV/brain would perceive pictures with wavering shadows that make it difficult to see clearly. On the other hand, your 5D TV brain would be able to perceive myriad pictures all intertwined and working as ONE co-operative system.
When you have more and more fifth dimensional communication you will likely find that these 5D communications are often accompanied by the feeling of your Kundalini force moving up and down within your spinal cord.
This feeling is very euphoric and gives you a strong, “YES, you are having a fifth dimensional experience.” This feeling is similar an invitation to communicate, such as a phone ringing or a doorbell chiming.
However, these messages are kinesthetic rather than auditory or visual. Your body is very helpful in giving you a strong kinesthetic “Yes” via Kundalini activation, or a loving emotion and/or a pleasant thought. On the other hand, your body will say “No” with a hollow feeling inside you that is accented with depression and/or anxiety.
When you remember how to maintain a fifth dimensional consciousness for more and more of your “time,” you will also remember how to read thought forms and energy fields with the innate, resonating patterns of your physical form.
The kinesthetic feelings we have spoken of above are common to everyone. There are also personal triggers, responses, emotions and kinesthetic reaction that were learned during your present incarnation.
You will find it helpful to recognize and document these reactions to life, as your body CANNOT lie. Just as your beloved dog or cat or bird cannot lie because they are incapable of deception in that human manner, your body will tell you the truth.
However, your body can only tell you the truth if you want the truth, and if you are willing to receive it. Your third dimensional society has taught you to lie to yourself and to lie to others so that you NOT get in TROUBLE.
We have experienced through our volunteers that the constant comings and goings between the differing 3D, 4D and 5D timelines can cause great confusion for one’s sequential 3D memory. For many of you, the return of your attention to the third dimension does not always occur within the natural sequence of that “time.”
In other words, you may have a “brief meditation” about a fifth dimensional message and find than an hour has passed when you return your focus back to your 3D endeavor. In fact, many of your inter-dimensional journeys are often not even noted by your physical perceptions. Therefore, you have the experience of lost “time” or “lost sequence of events.”
Obviously, when time is lost, the time-bound sequence of event would become very confusing. Lost time is when you think it has been just a few minutes to look up at the clock and see that an hour has passed.
On the other hand, lost sequence is when you find yourself in a different place and/or endeavor, but you cannot remember the “in-between” of where you thought you were and how you got where you are NOW.
In other words, you inter-dimensionally traveled beyond the 3D and came back into your earth vessel after your 3D self had moved your physical location. Once you re-connect with your 3D consciousness, ego self, you cannot remember where you were or how your body is now in a different location.
This dynamic is even more common with “lost time.” You look at the clock and see it is a certain time. Then you become involved in an endeavor that activates your fifth dimensional consciousness, which is beyond time. Then, you actually leave time. No third dimensional person will see this occur because 3D perception does not believe that that situation is true. Thus, if you cannot believe it, you cannot perceive it.
However, if you are aware, you will observe that something suddenly changed and you missed the transition between what it was before and what it became when you returned. Of course, since you did not know that you left, you did not know that you returned. That is, you do not know that with your third dimensional consciousness.
We are telling you this information because you are entering an area of space in which there are many higher frequency energy waves. Therefore, it is the NOW to fully activate your multidimensional consciousness. If you do not do so NOW, you will begin to doubt your self and doubt your perceptions.
Self-doubt is very dangerous in the changing world you are experiencing because it can initiate fear. Once you experience fear, your consciousness will lower. Then you will become completely confused, as you do not remember how or why your consciousness dropped out of feeling good and in to feeling afraid.
You will likely feel as though you just crash landed on the third dimension, but you may not be able to remember where you landed from, where you where going and/or what you did. In your past, meaning earlier years of your planetary transition, you were all confused and laughed it off.
It was mostly conjecture then, so that was fine. You were learning to fly and had some crash landings. However, it is the NOW of what you were then just pondering, or maybe, even planning for. Therefore, you could lose your focus without too many consequences.
However, NOW, the consequences can become extreme. Therefore, you must maintain a steady line of communication with your own higher expressions. As long as your human consciousness feels somewhat informed, you can stay above fear.
However, once you lose touch with your Higher SELF, you will become frightened and not remember why. Avoiding fear and living in the highest state of consciousness that you can is one of the most important things for you to remember within this NOW.
Therefore, dear scouts into your “brave new world” KNOW your SELF. What you do NOT know about your self is an opened door for fear to enter. When in doubt, when EVER you feel ANY fear remember to say,
“I Send Unconditional Love and Violet Fire!”
We, your Arcturian and Galactic Family, are here to help you. However, Gaia is a planet based on free will, so you must ASK for our help. However, we can ask you for help. We are sending many messages to our volunteers on Earth. We are looking for more “interpreters” through whom we can speak.
Please apply for the position within your own High Heart.
Your Galactic Family is with you.
You can see us with your fifth-dimensional consciousness.
Click here for more related information.
Most of all, please remember that
YOU are coming HOME
Join Lauren Galey and I as we explore Light Language and Human Chakras
Thursday, August 6, 11:00 am PDT
Friday, August 7, 11:00 am PDT
Saturday, August 8, 11:00 am PDT
Find Details HERE
See you there,
Posted by Suzanne Lie at 8:32 AM
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Awakening with Suzanne Lie
Tuesday, July 28, 2015
Dear Readers,
Tuesday, July 28, 2015
Dear Readers,
Those of you who have followed me for years, may be familiar with some of these stories, but I hope you can join me as we weave together the tapestry of their story.

~Meeting Mytria~
Lisa drove to restaurant she seldom went to, but knew it had nice tables with little cubbyhole areas. The last thing she wanted was to meet someone she knew. She ordered her meal and some tea, as she could not take any more coffee, and decided she would scan the Journal while she waited for her food. She opened the journal to the page after where she had left off the night before to find the next section, which was about finding Mytria.
I am happy to announce that my “cloud friend” finally did return. It was a long process, which I will recount in this journal. I am telling you of the long-awaited reconnection with my unseen friend, that I now know as “the Arcturian,” as it is only because of that ongoing support that I am able to write this journal.
I believe that it is important that I share my experiences with others now because our ever expanding consciousness manifests our thoughts and feelings almost instantly. Therefore, if we think we are having anxiety or an illness, then that is our reality. On the other hand, if we think we are having symptoms of awakening, then that is our reality.
There are, of course, times when we are sick or injured. Those times come when there are old emotions or memories that need to be purged. Therefore, we create a certain scenario in which we have to be still and center our attention on our SELF, so that we can complete this purge.
Since I have been feeling “sick” for quite a while now, I know it is the NOW to tell my story. Also, last night I had a dream in which I connected with a deep, deep fear from my childhood that it is time to release. Again, I hope I don't offend anyone by my admission, but it is my truth, and I vowed to speak only my truth here. Also, I know that I am not the only one who has had these experiences.
When I was a child my imagination took me into many of my alternate realities, often known as “past” lives. These adventures stopped as a teenager, but returned when I started working with my first spiritual teacher. For many years, my adventures were earthbound and included many different eras in which I was male or female.
As an adult, I began to have visitations/ imaginations off world and on other planets. First it was Venus. Then I began to hear from Mytria in the Pleiades. I know that I could have had an awakened experience of visiting a spaceship, but I still feel a submerged fear whenever I think of it.
Through my adventures on Venus and with Mytria, I came to realize that fear was because I was abducted as a child and teenager. I further remembered that my fear was actually implanted into me by the Zetas, who had abducted me. Then, they placed a small implant into my brain, so that I would be too afraid to tell anyone about my experience.
Of course, telling people was not a problem for me, as I couldn't even tell people about my dreams or psychic experiences. However, there is not a lot I can say about that experience, as I have still to recover most of the details.
My dream last night also told me that my wounded child needed my attention, and I had to heal her before I could go on to the next level of my awakening. In that dream, I felt the terror of my disconnection from my sleeping physical self and my desperation to return to my sleeping body. I woke up knowing that I had to address the issue of my wounded, abducted child/teen.
I will begin by sharing what little I remember about those experiences. I clearly remember being on the cold metal table with faces looking down at me. I remember sharp things, too many sharp things. I am well into my adulthood and I have never had any surgery at all, and I hate going to the dentist.
I also know exactly where my implant is, and I can feel a fear right now as I share this. The Arcturians told me this morning that the implant leaves an embedded message to never share what has happened. There is a bit more, but this is enough for now.
I was told this morning that the best way to heal my abducted child is to tell my story, just as I am about to share the other realities that I have experienced. I KNOW I want to visit the Arcturians on their ship in my fully conscious mind. Therefore, I am committed to completing this process of sharing my life with others.
I see writing this journal as a conscious action that shows that I AM ready to clear my old fears so that I can contribute my full love and light to this planetary awakening into truth! However, I do not know if anyone else will be able to begin to believe that the experiences I am about to recount could possibly be true.
Nevertheless, I will tell my story, if only to bring clarity into my own life. Perhaps, some of the people I love will be able to still accept and love me, but I fear that most of them will not. Hence, even though I write this journal, I may need to send it out under a false name. On the other hand, perhaps if they read what I have experienced in my life, they may learn to accept me more.
“Is that a challenge Mom?” Lisa muttered into her tea. However, with the bath and some good food, she was feeling better and had to actually admit how angry she had been at her mother. “What did she actually do to me, that is other than believe in different things than I did?” said Lisa continuing to soften. Lisa even ordered some desert, and continued her reading as she waited for it to arrive.
In about 1995 I began to receive inner messages from a female Pleiadian. I had heard about the Pleiadians somewhere, and since I had begun to remember my childhood abduction, I was looking for a kinder, gentler alien. The Pleiadians are tall, blond, and very attractive. They also look very human. Therefore, I asked my inner channels if I could speak to a Pleiadian, and I received the name “Mytria.”
Before I continue, perhaps I should explain about what I mean by my “inner channels.” I grew up going to church, and then was in a teen church group, so speaking to unseen higher beings was not an unusual event. In fact, when I was a child I often talked to my cloud being and called him Jesus. I continued those conversations into my teens—for a while.
When I was young, I called what I do to connect with other beings “praying.” When I became an adult and went to many spiritual teacher and meditation classes, I called it “meditating.” I knew that many people did not get the in-depth answers that I got, but maybe that was because they did not write down what they were experiencing.
Long story short, I now add the first dates and message I had with Mytria:
“Dear Mytria,
I have asked to speak with a Pleaidian and I received your name. I am opening myself to your reply, as I wish to speak with you. I hope that I have been able to clear myself enough so that I can have a clear reception of your message.”
I was very surprised to receive:
“Dear Beverly,
You have indeed been opening yourself to me and, in doing so, you can consciously receive messages from a higher dimensional being such as myself. I am from Alcoyne and I am one of the Guardians of The Sacred Fire. I speak to you now from the fifth dimension, although I could also communicate with you from higher dimensions. Since this is our first contact, I will take on my lowest vibration to make it easier for you to understand me.
“Even though I am the Guardian of the Sacred Flame, there is no need to guard The Flame from danger in our world, as no one here would damage anything. Beings on the fifth dimension know that any action affects them as much as those around them. You too are learning that lesson. Hence, I amend my statement to say it would be more correct to say that I assist those who wish to enter the Violet Fire.
“The Sacred Fire is a portal through which one can pass to travel to anywhere in the Multiverse. In our fifth dimensional Pleiadian world, we can step into and out of our body as easily as you would step out of your dress. You see, our bodies can be easily transmuted to a higher dimension by returning to pure spirit to travel into another dimension.
“Spiritual explorers will come to the Sacred Fire, and leave there bodies there while they travel in spirit. When they return from their travels, they project their essence into the Sacred Fire to return to their body. While their body is in the Sacred Flame they can safely travel via their consciousness to any place they desire.”
“I am one of the Pleiadian Priestesses who oversee that process. Therefore, I guess it would be better to say that I guard the body of the traveler rather than The Flame. However, our title is ‘Keeper of the Flame.’ You, my dear, have contacted me because I am open to communications with those from other dimensions, and because I know you.
“In fact, you might say that I am a higher frequency of the physical you. This is why you have always had such a strong urge to reach beyond your mundane world. Indeed, when you merge with the higher frequency expressions of yourself, you will be able to communicate with as many higher beings as you wish.
“Do you understand now how your entire life has been in preparation for that service?”
“Whoa Mom, I was starting to follow your book, but this is just over the top.” Lisa accidently said out loud, as she pushed the journal away, almost spilling her tea. Trying to think the words rather than say them, she thought, “No wonder Dad left you. If he even got a hint of this type of thinking he would have put you in the loony bin.”
This time Lisa did not even try to understand her mother. She was obviously delusional. She opened her purse to get the cash for dinner and left the table in a rush.
“Miss,” she heard behind her. “You left your book.” The young waitress smiled sweetly as she brought the book to Lisa, who tried to smile and muttered, “Thanks.” Lisa did not know what was worse, that she had to take the crazy book or that the waitress called her “miss.”
Lisa was starting to tear up again. Just when she thought she would maybe go to her mother for help with her life, she finds this journal with this psycho writing. Walking as fast as she could to the car, Lisa rummaged for the car keys and almost dropped the book in the mud while doing so.
She was very surprised that she chose to drop the keys rather than the journal. “Oh my God,” she thought. “I hope this stuff isn’t contagious.” She had to smile as she clicked the key to unlock the car, threw the stupid journal in the back seat, put on her seatbelt and drove back to her mother’s empty house.
Fortunately the electricity was still on, as it was dark by the time she got to the house. Lisa parked the car in the driveway and got out of the car. To her surprise, she opened the back door and retrieved the journal, as she muttered, “Well, there is nothing else to do here. Besides, maybe if I read this thing I might find out where she is.”
Lisa pushed aside the distant fear that her mother was dead or lost or had suffered some foul play. “Now I am being as silly as Mom,” Lisa said as she opened the front door, turned on the light and went to the bedroom to change her clothes. She knew that there would not be too much sleep. Just in case there was something besides silly stories, she knew that she had to read that Journal.
Once Lisa had put on some lights, the heater, and changed into her PJs, she got a glass of wine and sat on her favorite chair to read. This chair had been where she often did her homework before she went away to college. Her Mother had left it just the way it was, even though she had changed some of the other furniture.
“Does that mean she was waiting for me to visit?” she thought with more than a bit of guilt as she opened the book. She braced herself to hear more about the Pleiadian woman who was “Keepers of the Flame.”
Mytria began by saying, “The merging of your alternate selves begins by communicating with them.”
“I would rather ‘merge’ with my mother!” Lisa muttered as she took a sip of wine. Maybe she should get the bottle? She might need to be a bit drunk to understand this nonsense.
“Do you see Kepier with me now?” spoke Mytria. “Kepier and I are sisters in the Light. I have studied on Arcturus, where she is from and she has studied on Alycone. Dear Beverly, take a moment of your time to realize how it feels to be able to move from galaxy to galaxy with less effort that it takes for you to drive to the grocery store.”
Lisa rolled her eyes, but continued. That is, she continued after she took a long drink of wine.
“Kepier is appearing very female here even though she is androgens because the vibration of our planet is so feminine. When she is on Arcturus, she appears quite differently and looks like your Arcturian ‘cloud friend,” Mytria continued.
“I will now tell you some things about our life here in the Pleiades. We live very simply in large open central homes and smaller sleeping\meditation quarters. The time for sleeping is not like it is on Earth. Here we remain totally conscious, and what you would call sleep, we call meditation. Therefore, it is better if we are alone because we go deeply into our consciousness to expand our awareness and then integrate what we have learned into our daily lives.
“We also use our quarters for merging with our mates, if we have chosen to take one. Some here wish to live with their Divine Complements as man and woman, and others wish to integrate their two components and live as one androgynous being. It is purely a matter of choice on this dimension. On higher dimensions, the division of genders is unknown.
“We receive our children from The Flame as is done on Venus, but some still wish to have the experience of pregnancy and child birth. When I say ‘we’ receive our young from the Flame, I mean that ‘we’ as a male and female Divine Compliment couple, or ‘we’ as one androgynous being.
“Either way, we meditate and train for what would be years of your time to prepare for the great honor of being a parent. Only couples that are Divine Compliments parent together. When our teachers have told us that our vibration has reached a beautiful silver-violet shade, we go into The Flame with our Divine Complement (or as a unified androgynous being).
“When we are standing before the Violet Flame, we call into the higher dimensions to see if a Spirit wishes to take a life in our world. Once a Spirit has decided to choose the experience of incarnation into the fifth dimension of Pleiades, the parents and Spirit work together to begin the process of what you would call ‘birth.’
“Together the parents and child determine if it is best for them all to remain in the Flame until the Spirit is ready to take a life in their Pleiadian world, or for the Spirit to enter into the female and go through a pregnancy, much like on your Earth. Here, however, the male and female are equally involved in the pregnancy.
“The male must move up and down the Flame regularly so that the Spirit can pull enough of its essence into the fifth dimension to create and inhabit a form. On the other hand, the female must stay away from the Flame, as she is the grounding force for the new life.
“When the male returns from the Flame, holding the essence of the Spirit, he places it on the woman’s womb to offer the fetus the love of a mother. The man then embraces both the mother and child, as both parents send their child unconditional love and infinite peace. The three remain intertwined until the Spirit of the child can gradually adapt to our fifth dimensional reality.
“If this form of ‘pregnancy’ is not chosen, the couple, or the androgynous being must live near, and move in and out of the Flame, until the Spirit is ready to create itself a fifth dimensional form. Once the Spirit is an ‘infant’ he, she, or an androgynous self (children can be born androgynous here) will move with the parent, or unified parent, to the Central Living Room.
“The Central Living Room is the living area where our ‘greater family’ all live. The word we use for this room is difficult to hear in English. It sounds like ‘scrdala.’ The scrdala is comprised of members of the same Oversoul. On the seventh dimension, the Oversoul is one being. As new ‘children’ of our society move into the lower dimensions, the Oversoul guards over its fifth dimensional fragment while it makes its descent to the lower realms via the Violet Flame.
“Each of these fragments remain in constant contact with their sixth dimensional self in the Violet Flame until their new form can contain their great life force. The parents keep their ‘infant’ in constant connection with the mother, father, or both of them to assist their child in grounding his or her consciousness in the lower frequency.
“The members of the “greater family” of new parents, who are also temporarily living in the scrdala, work in unity to assist the new members of our Pleiadian reality to acclimate to their new life. This group is more than a family, as they function as ONE being of parental love who are welcoming new life into our world.
When each family leaves the scrdala, the choices of living situations differ with the frequency to which they resonate. A being who is able to be awake on many different vibrations at once, such as myself, will have very different situations on each plane. This is much like your situation.
“On the third dimension, you live a quiet, private life. On the fourth dimension, you live in Faerie with your beloved fairies and Nature creatures, and on the fifth dimension you are me! Yes, dear, you and I are ONE.
“We are different expressions of the same Oversoul, the same Being. Kepier is another expression of our being. IlliaEm is the eight dimensional expression of our Oversoul. And, Jaqual is an Antarian member of our Oversoul.
“There are also many other expressions of our Oversoul that you have not met yet, however, you soon will. It is this way for ALL the grounded ones on Earth. All of you have octaves of your SELF that are expressed in myriad times, worlds, and dimensions. Because you are incarnated on ascending Earth, your multidimensional consciousness has split into myriad expressions in preparation for your grounding into developing fifth dimensional planet.
On the sixth dimension, you are on Venus, where you are able to visit and communicate with your Pleiadian and Antarian expressions of SELF. Your Arcturian self resonates to the eight through tenth dimensions and can move between myriad locations because you are not in need of a planetary Home. Your sixth dimensional self travels often to Antares as well as to Arcturus, Sirius, or here in the Pleiades.
I can see your mental question about whether or not these different portions of your SELF ever meet? The answer is, of course! Are we not doing that now? However, each SELF is also a different reality. Much like the different realities you have experienced and remembered in your third dimensional self. In the physical world these portions of your self are separated by time and space. On the other dimensions, the different selves, or realities resonate to different vibrations.
“OK,” scoffed Lisa, “That is enough for me. Enough of this book and enough of this wine! I am not sure if I am more upset about the book or about the fact that Mom left me without saying a word.”
However, she did have to admit that there were quite a few calls from her mother that she had been too “busy” to return. But, she was not ready to take responsibility for anything yet. She could not even admit that she was so very happy to be away from the house, her husband and even the kids.
What was wrong with her lately? She felt kind of empty inside, as though she just did not have any more to give. So she came to her mother’s house to get something and she was gone! She slammed the empty wine glass onto the table, almost breaking it, allowed the journal to fall on the floor and went into her Mother’s guestroom to get some sleep.
She tried not to wonder why she remembered to pick up the journal and take it with her.
Lisa woke up at 10:00am. Oh what kind of Heaven was that? However, as soon as she sat up and felt her headache, Heaven was over. Even though she had a splitting head, she had a strange sense of peace and calm about her. Then, with a start, she realized that she had not called the kids, or her husband, or her friend who was helping with the kids.
She had been angry at her mother for not communicating with her, and she had done the same thing to her own children. “Like mother, like daughter,” she said as she reached for her phone, which was out of juice. Then she had to look through her luggage. “Oh please, please, I DID remember to bring the cord,” she said to herself.
Fortunately, the cord was found, the phone plugged in, and to her surprise, she did NOT call her husband first. NO, she called her friend first and found out that she was the saint she had always been and had fed all the kids, her own and Lisa’s, and taken them to school. Continuing with her saintly behavior, she did not even ask Lisa when she would be home.
Lisa was so happy that she did not have to lie to such a great friend. However, she could not tell her friend the truth because she did not know it. “Oh, yes Cindy, my mother has completely disappeared and I am reading her journal about her Pleiadian self. Nor could she tell Cindy that she was so happy to be alone for a while. There was something she had to figure out, that is besides the whereabouts of her missing mother.
Why hadn’t she phoned the police? How did she know that her mother was OK? The cat had a home, the electricity and sprinklers were on and the phones still worked. She could not have been gone too long, or all that would have been turned off. But, why didn’t her mother tell her where she was. Oh yes, the ignored phone calls.
After a long, hot shower and more coffee, she returned to Mytria. Of course, she would have to go to the store, call her mother’s friends, if she could find her Mom’s phonebook and, oh yes, call her husband. But he had not called her, so why did she need to call him? However, she did remember to NOT look at her missed phone calls. Her kids were fine, and Cindy was taking care of them.
After the shower and coffee, she was ready for the journal, which happened to be right next to her bed. With coffee in hand, she grabbed the journal and returned to her “high school homework chair” to see what else Mytria had to say.
Each reality, or life, is separate until you are able to become conscious of it, then it is a portion of the whole,” said Mytria. “Your perception of the "whole" increases as your consciousness expands.”
Furthermore, each component of your self can be individual within the unity of your Multidimensional SELF. We Pleiadians often wish to keep our ‘fragments’ individuated so that we can explore each reality with depth and intimacy.
I, Mytria, am able to raise my vibration to the seventh dimension where I can communicate with all the other aspects of my SELF. Each of us is individual as well as ONE. Of course, this scenario is only possible when our bodies resonate beyond time and space.”
“What?” questioned Lisa, not quite as snarly as she would have asked the day before? Something was bothering her. Yes, it was a dream. She could not remember the dream, but the feeling of it troubled her.
I wish now to answer your thought about why it took you so long to feel my presence,” continued Mytria. “Your connection to me was difficult to feel because it begins on the fifth dimension, and your consciousness can only expand to that frequency when you are calm and meditative.
Also if you were to communicate with me before this time, it would have been too confusing to you. Do you see how much difficulty you had even now with some of the concepts that I have presented to you?”
“Yes,” Lisa replied without noticing. This time her reply was not angry. Maybe that was because of her dream.
It is good that you are stretching your imagination and consciousness to embrace what will soon come into your world,” wrote Mytria. Most of all, the Goddess, Mother Earth, Gaia is awakening. She will soon hear the mating call of Her Divine Complement and will no longer tolerate any injustice to Her being.
Gaia will be a bride preparing for her wedding. She will make herself beautiful, and anyone who tries to stop Her will not enjoy the consequences. It will be a wonderful time. You, and others like you, will at last be happy to be born on Earth in a third dimensional form.
Then, because you all will learn to totally love life on the third dimension, you will be able to release that life. You will not need to release your form, of course, but you will release all of its limitations and separations. Your physical body will be like the car you drive on Earth, as it will hold your consciousness. Then, when you wish a new, improved ‘vehicle, for your consciousness, you will easily replace the old one. Only, you will NOT have to take out a loan. You will create, free and clear, the vehicle of your choice.
I look forward to many more communications with you, and I await your next visit to my world.
Lisa did not understand why she did not get angry like she did before. But, it was nice to not feel angry for a minute. In fact, when she was NOT angry, she began to understand how angry she had been.
No, the anger was not about her mother. It wasn’t even because of her husband. She was angry because something was missing, and she did not know what. She almost felt good, until her mother moved on to UFOs.
Posted by Suzanne Lie at 9:49 AM
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