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The Light Collective and Mother Gaia: In the Wake of Typhoon Haiyan
Channeler: Eliza Ayres (aka Tazjima Amariah Kumara)
I am the living soul of Gaia. I am your Mother while you sojourn upon this planet.
And we are the Light Collective; we speak for the many galactic councils and light beings who oversee the evolution of your
In the wake of the great typhoon, Haiyan, the island nation of the Philippines lies shattered and in ruins. Great is the sorrow felt for these people, for those who have died and especially for those who remain behind, left bereft in a world now unrecognizable. Many of the islands inhabitants have left the planet, theirenergies withdrawn from their body vehicles, in fulfillment of soul contracts agreed upon before birth. The purpose of their dying, in making this seeming sacrifice, was to wake up the rest of humanity to the compassion that exists within all hearts. Feel this compassion rise within your own breast, although you may live in an area yet untouched by disaster. Recognize that this feeling is an indication of just how connected you are to the whole of the collective that is called humanity. You are capable of feeling the emotions of others although separated by thousands of miles. There is no time or space within the higher dimensions which you and your world are entering into and this newly sensed ability to feel is just an indication of just how interconnected you are with all of Creation.
With each catastrophe, compassion for others will open hearts that were once closed off by fear. With each cleansing, whether storm, water, fire, flood, earthquake or volcanic eruption, more hearts will open in the survivors. Can you not see that you are the designers of this process? As a collective, you have decided who was to play what role and when each would enter and leave the world stage. It is done with a purpose, one that may not be understood by your appalled human personality, but your heart knows. Compassion is the key to transforming your world. These “disasters” have been designed and agreed upon by those involved, as the means to move the frequency levels of the survivors higher, so ultimately, the entire planet and its remaining population, can exist freely in the higher, refined energies of the fifth dimension.
Some humans see death and they feel fear and wonder when they will die also. Their egos feel threatened and they freeze like frightened rabbits. They seek to flee to the hills, to hide in caves, to fortify palaces, to design space ships to escape the surface and go where? The inhabitants of Atlantis scoffed at the seers and priests who foretold of the disasters that came upon that island continent. Their beliefs did not protect them from going down beneath the waves when that mighty kingdom perished in cataclysm. Their beliefs that they are better than others, superior and deserving of special treatment will not save them from being compelled to release them. Nothing that smacks of separation energy will remain when the transitional period ends, nothing.
This is a time of great change. With change and challenges, there will be the departure of souls who are not prepared to live in the higher frequencies that are overtaking the planet. This is not the disaster that some would think, but part of the growing pains of the New Earth. Did you think that physical ascension was a walk in the park? Your species, your collective Humanity is on the edge of maturity. It is time that you turn and face your fear of death. It is time to embrace your fear of death, if it still remains. Embrace it, integrate it and allow the fear to depart, vanishing like mist in the warmth of the sun. Feel compassion for yourself and for those who still insist in lingering in the shadows of the fear of dying. To be reborn, you must die to the old and that is what you are now undergoing, as an individual and as a collective.
Animals know better, that death is not the end. Whether or not they die a violent or a quiet death, they are aware that their energies pass into the group soul upon leaving the body. They do not fear the doorway of death for they understand fully that death is only a transitional state, not the end of consciousness. When it is time to reborn, they will take up new bodies and begin life afresh, either here or in their worlds.
With this great disaster, the extreme fragility of your “modern” world has been brought into sharp focus. It only took a few hours of strong lashing winds and high waters to completely strip cities, towns and villages of their entire infrastructure. What you count on every day, electricity, hot water, sewers, transportation and communication was completely stripped away within hours. These modern conveniences have served to cut you off from nature, giving strength to your current fears and continued belief in separation. And these “conveniences” have allowed your erstwhile controllers to contain your consciousness within their web of blatant deceit and illusion. The barriers are going down at your insistence, whether or not you are consciously aware of making that decision.
Humanity has believed that they are superior to nature, that they can control nature, that they can corral the energies of rivers and even the great oceans. You are being shown to be wrong. Nature will not be tamed, not by the selfish intent of a few to control the many. Nature will not be controlled or divided from itself by men intent to protect their belongings and their outmoded belief systems.
The earth is undergoing a pattern of cleansing. All that belonged to the old paradigm will be swept away. Everything, every last vestige of pollution, caused by the over-cutting of forests, the wanton pillaging of resources, destruction of water through unbalanced industrial activities such as fracking, oil and natural gas drilling, over-building of heavy structures and concrete which prevent the earth from breathing… all these things and more will be swept from the planet.
All these activities have been designed to destroy the planet and those who live here, in a wanton plot of self-destruction by those who have believed that they were better than the rest of the population. The delusion of these few individuals was such that they truly believed they would survive the destruction of the planet, but they were mistaken. None existing in a physical body could survive the utmost strain of this deluded belief in separation, for all are one, and so now the collective and the great being that over-lights the planet have agreed to take on the task of cleansing the planet of any remaining energies of separation.
It is over, this game that has been played and the players have completed their task in waking up the rest of humanity to the fact that your physical vessel is reliant upon the health of the planet and that all of you must act together to heal her and each other. It is a task that must be undertaken by those who live here. We, who live in the higher frequency worlds and have no bodies, cannot perform this task for you. You are the ones who were selected to come here and you are the ones tasked with moving the collective and the planet into the higher frequencies, for the benefit of the entire Universe.
We hear some of you ask one another, “What will be left of our world?”
When you say, “our world”, you are not speaking of the planet, of the soil, water and air that are so vital for all life to exist here. No, you are speaking of your cell phones, your vehicles, your comfortable heated and cooled houses that you reside within, despite the fact that the other 80% of humanity barely exists at poverty levels in substandard housing and with no sewers, electricity or running water. The 20% has robbed the planet, its people and creatures, of resources and wealth in order to pad their cages in which they seek to now hide, in complete denial and resisting all the inner urging of their souls to let go of fear. Even now, these people look at each other and say, “Oh, I’m glad I didn’t go to the Philippines this year on vacation; it’s such a poor country anyway.”
What is happening? The physical planet is being prepared to engage and live in the higher frequencies. Nothing of the old paradigm will remain when the cleansing is completed. Nature does have the power to scrub the surface clean, but it has been decided that the time of tribulation would be gentler than the great planetary disasters long foretold by seers and prophets. Still, this period of transition will create change that no one will be able to deny. Those who cannot handle the change and adapt will leave their bodies.
Do not make the mistake in thinking that we judge these individuals; they have chosen what experiences they will undergo before embodiment. And lest you think it is all a matter of a fate that cannot be changed once born, all who live on this planet are graced with the free will to break all contracts previously agreed upon. So honor those brave ones who have left and will leave during this transitional period. Their departure from this world was an act of great compassion for the collective. Their love was so great, that they chose to sacrifice their bodies and to leave here so the rest of humanity would be given the opportunity to embrace and integrate the changes that are coming.
Do not judge those who have died in this last great disaster. They chose to experience a shorter lifetime for the sake of being the initiators of compassion for the rest of the collective. If one person opens their heart to compassion and the possibility of connection with their higher self, then the mission of these dear ones has been completed. And it has; they are being taken care of by legions of angels. There is no need to worry or sorrow over the dead; they are at peace. It is the living that you must help now. It is time to let go of artificial barriers between cultures, nations and religions and to come into an understanding at the profound connections that you all share as a collective humanity. The time of separation is over; the time of coming together has begun.
And what about the threats to your infrastructure, what about the continued existence of modern society?
Here is the real challenge that lies ahead for the human race. Some of the light workers hope that the great ships that even now protect the skies and space around your planet during this rebirth process will drop down and assist in the rebuilding of a new society. That may happen in the future, but not until enough of the populace has moved into being able to hold the higher frequency levels within their own physical temple.
Your galactic cousins have already moved through their own ascension, now it is your turn and you must do it yourself. Now is the time for the master within to be completely anchored and acknowledged and allowed to function through your physical vessels. Now is the time to bring heaven to earth and it is through the acknowledgement that you are masters and now accept the responsibility to be masters, that the changes will ease for all.
Any birthing process is not easy. Ask any woman who has experienced the long drawn out agonies of bringing a child into the world. She will tell you that it takes great perseverance and dedication to continue to breath and push, despite feeling like your flesh is being torn apart by wild animals. You are not being physically rendered or torn apart, but you are being stripped of all that remains of the old energies. It is not being done with malicious intent, but by divine design which you, yourselves, as the human collective, set up in your inner plane councils so that all would be able to move gracefully and with ease into the higher frequencies.
There will be those who choose to resist the process. There are many who will refuse to wake up. They will be some of the ones who choose to leave. With this choice, they are fulfilling the roles that they agreed to play before they came into embodiment. Most of these are young souls, who have little experience in living in a physical world. It is their choice to leave; honor them for through their selfless act, they hand the key of compassion to the rest of the world. Through their selfless act of leaving, they give others the opportunity to come into an acceptance of the soul maturity that will be required of all who wish to remain here and move into living full-time in the higher frequencies.
When the soul and higher self are fully anchored into the physical vessel, then the gifts and graces won by the soul and garnered by soul family, the monad, can be brought and put into use. Creativity and the ability to manifest are unlimited in one who has fully mastered the higher frequencies and can move freely through the inner spaces and visit other worlds. For such a one, there is no concern about how to feed or clothe oneself or where to find shelter, for they can create whatever they need in an instant. If it is truly your desire to manifest full mastery within the terms of this transitional period, then we suggest you go about it with dedication, focus, intent and your full attention. The time for prevarication and hesitation is done.
We understand that these words may bring up fear for some readers. Understand that these remnants of the old energy are now being revealed so you can acknowledge them, and through compassion, love yourself and a release any further need to be in resistance or to hold onto these old energies. Fear will be relegated to its natural function, to be a warning system for the body, not to rule over your decisions and movement into mastery.
Mastery involves acknowledging that the soul resides in a physical vessel and that there will be a blending of the energies as the body is refined and transformed into a light body. And do not judge yourself as incapable if you chose to drop your current body and then return later when much of the transitional period has been completed. Each of you has a different purpose and reason for being here. Do not seek to compare your journey to others or to judge what others are or are not accomplishing. Each has their own gifts to offer upon the altar of being and their own individual timing.
When the transition into light body finally occurs, there will be no more need to reside in a body or at least the particular body that you were born into. You will be able to create a refined physical vessel for the purpose of being able to create in your new world. To create and work within a physical world, you need hands and feet, muscles and sinew, brains and a heart, with which to anchor the energies of creation through or else you might as well leave the body and return to the light worlds where you have no need of a body.
For too long has the body and the earth which gave birth and substance to the body, been the subject of abuse and denial. The body and the planet have been subjected to conquest, rape and pillage. Through their various institutions, most especially those of religion, people have been encouraged to desire life without a body, graduation to the spirit planes. The body has been deemed as being corrupted and subject to decay. We tell you that this is natural, that when the soul departs the body, the physical vessel decays and return to its basic elements, releasing the fire, air and water and returning to the soil. We remind you that it is the soul that enlivens the body, not the other way around. You are NOT the body; your spiritual body is vast and encompasses the physical vessel within it.
In approaching the subject of death or transition, this new perspective brings a fresh attitude about the doorway that has been so feared through the centuries. Death has been used as the ultimate threat to control the lives of the many for the benefit of a few service-to-self individuals dedicated to utilizing their knowledge of universal law and denying that knowledge to others. Now that the great rotten web of conspiracy and control is being unraveled and revealed, it is time to release the need to fear and cringe at the mention of death. The soul merely leaves the physical body behind when it has accomplished the tasks and garnered the experiences that it wished to undergo during any particular lifetime. When it is done, it is done and the soul leaves. There is no need to mourn, rather there should be a celebration in a life well lived even though it might be short or long.
Feel your grief, dear ones, if you are able to feel any. Move through this and realize that you grieve for yourselves, not for the departed ones. They are being taken care of in the Summerlands by specialists in the healing arts. No, you grieve and moan as those pockets of resistance to change come to the surface and are revealed. Do not turn away in disbelief at your weakness, but understand that this portion of yourself needs to be accepted, loved and integrated through compassion into the wholeness of your being. All experience is worthy. All experience that each soul undergoes is for the benefit of the whole of humanity. Honor those who have departed and assist those who remain. Through your mercy and compassion, many will be able to move through their fears and move into compassion for others, as well.
Nothing of the old will remain for there is no structure or foundation to support it any longer. If it is your purpose to remain, embrace the intent to release all that is hidden within and to fully transform into a new being with a new purpose in living here and now.
Much is still to change. The length of the transitional period will be determined by those who live it. Everything that happens is happening through the full consent of those souls embodied here and is for a greater purpose than just the ascension of this world. You are masters anchoring the energies of heaven onto and into a physical world, a feat that has never ever been accomplished before. Some sacrifice and change is necessary for this task to be accomplished and all who are here, including those who depart their bodies, are honored and loved for playing their part in this great undertaking.
Honor and love yourselves, beloved ones, as we honor and love you. Allow the energies of compassion and the quality of mercy to ease the way into realization and experiencing the unified consciousness which you share in the light worlds. You are in the process of anchoring this refined frequency into the physical planet and for this you are truly blessed.
Go and discover the peace and love that is within, for yourself, for your world and all that live within and upon her. You are One. Feel the truth embedded within our words, decode the frequencies and sacred geometry within and know the truth of what you are, masters every one. Each of you is precious and necessary to the Whole and you are here to perform a great task. Go forth and be a living demonstration of that mastery to all who watch throughout the many worlds, stars, galaxies and Universes, whose eyes are upon you, watching your every move with awe and wonder.
We love you.
Copyright © 2012-13 by Elizabeth Ayres Escher. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to copy and distribute this material, provided the content is copied in its entirety and unaltered from its written form, is distributed freely, and this copyright notice and links are included. No replication via voice or video is allowed. http://bluedragonjournal.com/
Posted 12th November 2013 by Juan Pablo
Labels: Mother Gaiathe Light Collective
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The Light Collective and Mother Gaia: In the Wake of Typhoon Haiyan
Channeler: Eliza Ayres (aka Tazjima Amariah Kumara)
I am the living soul of Gaia. I am your Mother while you sojourn upon this planet.
And we are the Light Collective; we speak for the many galactic councils and light beings who oversee the evolution of your
In the wake of the great typhoon, Haiyan, the island nation of the Philippines lies shattered and in ruins. Great is the sorrow felt for these people, for those who have died and especially for those who remain behind, left bereft in a world now unrecognizable. Many of the islands inhabitants have left the planet, theirenergies withdrawn from their body vehicles, in fulfillment of soul contracts agreed upon before birth. The purpose of their dying, in making this seeming sacrifice, was to wake up the rest of humanity to the compassion that exists within all hearts. Feel this compassion rise within your own breast, although you may live in an area yet untouched by disaster. Recognize that this feeling is an indication of just how connected you are to the whole of the collective that is called humanity. You are capable of feeling the emotions of others although separated by thousands of miles. There is no time or space within the higher dimensions which you and your world are entering into and this newly sensed ability to feel is just an indication of just how interconnected you are with all of Creation.
With each catastrophe, compassion for others will open hearts that were once closed off by fear. With each cleansing, whether storm, water, fire, flood, earthquake or volcanic eruption, more hearts will open in the survivors. Can you not see that you are the designers of this process? As a collective, you have decided who was to play what role and when each would enter and leave the world stage. It is done with a purpose, one that may not be understood by your appalled human personality, but your heart knows. Compassion is the key to transforming your world. These “disasters” have been designed and agreed upon by those involved, as the means to move the frequency levels of the survivors higher, so ultimately, the entire planet and its remaining population, can exist freely in the higher, refined energies of the fifth dimension.
Some humans see death and they feel fear and wonder when they will die also. Their egos feel threatened and they freeze like frightened rabbits. They seek to flee to the hills, to hide in caves, to fortify palaces, to design space ships to escape the surface and go where? The inhabitants of Atlantis scoffed at the seers and priests who foretold of the disasters that came upon that island continent. Their beliefs did not protect them from going down beneath the waves when that mighty kingdom perished in cataclysm. Their beliefs that they are better than others, superior and deserving of special treatment will not save them from being compelled to release them. Nothing that smacks of separation energy will remain when the transitional period ends, nothing.
This is a time of great change. With change and challenges, there will be the departure of souls who are not prepared to live in the higher frequencies that are overtaking the planet. This is not the disaster that some would think, but part of the growing pains of the New Earth. Did you think that physical ascension was a walk in the park? Your species, your collective Humanity is on the edge of maturity. It is time that you turn and face your fear of death. It is time to embrace your fear of death, if it still remains. Embrace it, integrate it and allow the fear to depart, vanishing like mist in the warmth of the sun. Feel compassion for yourself and for those who still insist in lingering in the shadows of the fear of dying. To be reborn, you must die to the old and that is what you are now undergoing, as an individual and as a collective.
Animals know better, that death is not the end. Whether or not they die a violent or a quiet death, they are aware that their energies pass into the group soul upon leaving the body. They do not fear the doorway of death for they understand fully that death is only a transitional state, not the end of consciousness. When it is time to reborn, they will take up new bodies and begin life afresh, either here or in their worlds.
With this great disaster, the extreme fragility of your “modern” world has been brought into sharp focus. It only took a few hours of strong lashing winds and high waters to completely strip cities, towns and villages of their entire infrastructure. What you count on every day, electricity, hot water, sewers, transportation and communication was completely stripped away within hours. These modern conveniences have served to cut you off from nature, giving strength to your current fears and continued belief in separation. And these “conveniences” have allowed your erstwhile controllers to contain your consciousness within their web of blatant deceit and illusion. The barriers are going down at your insistence, whether or not you are consciously aware of making that decision.
Humanity has believed that they are superior to nature, that they can control nature, that they can corral the energies of rivers and even the great oceans. You are being shown to be wrong. Nature will not be tamed, not by the selfish intent of a few to control the many. Nature will not be controlled or divided from itself by men intent to protect their belongings and their outmoded belief systems.
The earth is undergoing a pattern of cleansing. All that belonged to the old paradigm will be swept away. Everything, every last vestige of pollution, caused by the over-cutting of forests, the wanton pillaging of resources, destruction of water through unbalanced industrial activities such as fracking, oil and natural gas drilling, over-building of heavy structures and concrete which prevent the earth from breathing… all these things and more will be swept from the planet.
All these activities have been designed to destroy the planet and those who live here, in a wanton plot of self-destruction by those who have believed that they were better than the rest of the population. The delusion of these few individuals was such that they truly believed they would survive the destruction of the planet, but they were mistaken. None existing in a physical body could survive the utmost strain of this deluded belief in separation, for all are one, and so now the collective and the great being that over-lights the planet have agreed to take on the task of cleansing the planet of any remaining energies of separation.
It is over, this game that has been played and the players have completed their task in waking up the rest of humanity to the fact that your physical vessel is reliant upon the health of the planet and that all of you must act together to heal her and each other. It is a task that must be undertaken by those who live here. We, who live in the higher frequency worlds and have no bodies, cannot perform this task for you. You are the ones who were selected to come here and you are the ones tasked with moving the collective and the planet into the higher frequencies, for the benefit of the entire Universe.
We hear some of you ask one another, “What will be left of our world?”
When you say, “our world”, you are not speaking of the planet, of the soil, water and air that are so vital for all life to exist here. No, you are speaking of your cell phones, your vehicles, your comfortable heated and cooled houses that you reside within, despite the fact that the other 80% of humanity barely exists at poverty levels in substandard housing and with no sewers, electricity or running water. The 20% has robbed the planet, its people and creatures, of resources and wealth in order to pad their cages in which they seek to now hide, in complete denial and resisting all the inner urging of their souls to let go of fear. Even now, these people look at each other and say, “Oh, I’m glad I didn’t go to the Philippines this year on vacation; it’s such a poor country anyway.”
What is happening? The physical planet is being prepared to engage and live in the higher frequencies. Nothing of the old paradigm will remain when the cleansing is completed. Nature does have the power to scrub the surface clean, but it has been decided that the time of tribulation would be gentler than the great planetary disasters long foretold by seers and prophets. Still, this period of transition will create change that no one will be able to deny. Those who cannot handle the change and adapt will leave their bodies.
Do not make the mistake in thinking that we judge these individuals; they have chosen what experiences they will undergo before embodiment. And lest you think it is all a matter of a fate that cannot be changed once born, all who live on this planet are graced with the free will to break all contracts previously agreed upon. So honor those brave ones who have left and will leave during this transitional period. Their departure from this world was an act of great compassion for the collective. Their love was so great, that they chose to sacrifice their bodies and to leave here so the rest of humanity would be given the opportunity to embrace and integrate the changes that are coming.
Do not judge those who have died in this last great disaster. They chose to experience a shorter lifetime for the sake of being the initiators of compassion for the rest of the collective. If one person opens their heart to compassion and the possibility of connection with their higher self, then the mission of these dear ones has been completed. And it has; they are being taken care of by legions of angels. There is no need to worry or sorrow over the dead; they are at peace. It is the living that you must help now. It is time to let go of artificial barriers between cultures, nations and religions and to come into an understanding at the profound connections that you all share as a collective humanity. The time of separation is over; the time of coming together has begun.
And what about the threats to your infrastructure, what about the continued existence of modern society?
Here is the real challenge that lies ahead for the human race. Some of the light workers hope that the great ships that even now protect the skies and space around your planet during this rebirth process will drop down and assist in the rebuilding of a new society. That may happen in the future, but not until enough of the populace has moved into being able to hold the higher frequency levels within their own physical temple.
Your galactic cousins have already moved through their own ascension, now it is your turn and you must do it yourself. Now is the time for the master within to be completely anchored and acknowledged and allowed to function through your physical vessels. Now is the time to bring heaven to earth and it is through the acknowledgement that you are masters and now accept the responsibility to be masters, that the changes will ease for all.
Any birthing process is not easy. Ask any woman who has experienced the long drawn out agonies of bringing a child into the world. She will tell you that it takes great perseverance and dedication to continue to breath and push, despite feeling like your flesh is being torn apart by wild animals. You are not being physically rendered or torn apart, but you are being stripped of all that remains of the old energies. It is not being done with malicious intent, but by divine design which you, yourselves, as the human collective, set up in your inner plane councils so that all would be able to move gracefully and with ease into the higher frequencies.
There will be those who choose to resist the process. There are many who will refuse to wake up. They will be some of the ones who choose to leave. With this choice, they are fulfilling the roles that they agreed to play before they came into embodiment. Most of these are young souls, who have little experience in living in a physical world. It is their choice to leave; honor them for through their selfless act, they hand the key of compassion to the rest of the world. Through their selfless act of leaving, they give others the opportunity to come into an acceptance of the soul maturity that will be required of all who wish to remain here and move into living full-time in the higher frequencies.
When the soul and higher self are fully anchored into the physical vessel, then the gifts and graces won by the soul and garnered by soul family, the monad, can be brought and put into use. Creativity and the ability to manifest are unlimited in one who has fully mastered the higher frequencies and can move freely through the inner spaces and visit other worlds. For such a one, there is no concern about how to feed or clothe oneself or where to find shelter, for they can create whatever they need in an instant. If it is truly your desire to manifest full mastery within the terms of this transitional period, then we suggest you go about it with dedication, focus, intent and your full attention. The time for prevarication and hesitation is done.
We understand that these words may bring up fear for some readers. Understand that these remnants of the old energy are now being revealed so you can acknowledge them, and through compassion, love yourself and a release any further need to be in resistance or to hold onto these old energies. Fear will be relegated to its natural function, to be a warning system for the body, not to rule over your decisions and movement into mastery.
Mastery involves acknowledging that the soul resides in a physical vessel and that there will be a blending of the energies as the body is refined and transformed into a light body. And do not judge yourself as incapable if you chose to drop your current body and then return later when much of the transitional period has been completed. Each of you has a different purpose and reason for being here. Do not seek to compare your journey to others or to judge what others are or are not accomplishing. Each has their own gifts to offer upon the altar of being and their own individual timing.
When the transition into light body finally occurs, there will be no more need to reside in a body or at least the particular body that you were born into. You will be able to create a refined physical vessel for the purpose of being able to create in your new world. To create and work within a physical world, you need hands and feet, muscles and sinew, brains and a heart, with which to anchor the energies of creation through or else you might as well leave the body and return to the light worlds where you have no need of a body.
For too long has the body and the earth which gave birth and substance to the body, been the subject of abuse and denial. The body and the planet have been subjected to conquest, rape and pillage. Through their various institutions, most especially those of religion, people have been encouraged to desire life without a body, graduation to the spirit planes. The body has been deemed as being corrupted and subject to decay. We tell you that this is natural, that when the soul departs the body, the physical vessel decays and return to its basic elements, releasing the fire, air and water and returning to the soil. We remind you that it is the soul that enlivens the body, not the other way around. You are NOT the body; your spiritual body is vast and encompasses the physical vessel within it.
In approaching the subject of death or transition, this new perspective brings a fresh attitude about the doorway that has been so feared through the centuries. Death has been used as the ultimate threat to control the lives of the many for the benefit of a few service-to-self individuals dedicated to utilizing their knowledge of universal law and denying that knowledge to others. Now that the great rotten web of conspiracy and control is being unraveled and revealed, it is time to release the need to fear and cringe at the mention of death. The soul merely leaves the physical body behind when it has accomplished the tasks and garnered the experiences that it wished to undergo during any particular lifetime. When it is done, it is done and the soul leaves. There is no need to mourn, rather there should be a celebration in a life well lived even though it might be short or long.
Feel your grief, dear ones, if you are able to feel any. Move through this and realize that you grieve for yourselves, not for the departed ones. They are being taken care of in the Summerlands by specialists in the healing arts. No, you grieve and moan as those pockets of resistance to change come to the surface and are revealed. Do not turn away in disbelief at your weakness, but understand that this portion of yourself needs to be accepted, loved and integrated through compassion into the wholeness of your being. All experience is worthy. All experience that each soul undergoes is for the benefit of the whole of humanity. Honor those who have departed and assist those who remain. Through your mercy and compassion, many will be able to move through their fears and move into compassion for others, as well.
Nothing of the old will remain for there is no structure or foundation to support it any longer. If it is your purpose to remain, embrace the intent to release all that is hidden within and to fully transform into a new being with a new purpose in living here and now.
Much is still to change. The length of the transitional period will be determined by those who live it. Everything that happens is happening through the full consent of those souls embodied here and is for a greater purpose than just the ascension of this world. You are masters anchoring the energies of heaven onto and into a physical world, a feat that has never ever been accomplished before. Some sacrifice and change is necessary for this task to be accomplished and all who are here, including those who depart their bodies, are honored and loved for playing their part in this great undertaking.
Honor and love yourselves, beloved ones, as we honor and love you. Allow the energies of compassion and the quality of mercy to ease the way into realization and experiencing the unified consciousness which you share in the light worlds. You are in the process of anchoring this refined frequency into the physical planet and for this you are truly blessed.
Go and discover the peace and love that is within, for yourself, for your world and all that live within and upon her. You are One. Feel the truth embedded within our words, decode the frequencies and sacred geometry within and know the truth of what you are, masters every one. Each of you is precious and necessary to the Whole and you are here to perform a great task. Go forth and be a living demonstration of that mastery to all who watch throughout the many worlds, stars, galaxies and Universes, whose eyes are upon you, watching your every move with awe and wonder.
We love you.
Copyright © 2012-13 by Elizabeth Ayres Escher. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to copy and distribute this material, provided the content is copied in its entirety and unaltered from its written form, is distributed freely, and this copyright notice and links are included. No replication via voice or video is allowed. http://bluedragonjournal.com/
Posted 12th November 2013 by Juan Pablo
Labels: Mother Gaiathe Light Collective
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